Актори фільмаThe Marshmallow Mystery Tour
Джереми Рише Jeremy Rishe | ... | Marty Kidner aka «The Kid» | 1. | |
Рэй Рейнолдс Ray Reynolds | ... | Mick aka The Captain | 2. | |
Doug Farrell | ... | The Candyman | 3. | |
Дэйл Э. Тернер Dale E. Turner | ... | Carl aka «The Cop» | 4. | |
Брайан Дэйл Браун Brian Dale Brown | ... | Jonah aka «The Intern» | 5. | |
Джулиус Каллахан Julius Callahan | ... | Kierst aka «The Adblaster» | 6. | |
Марк Белтцман Mark Beltzman | ... | Sweet Tooth aka «The Taste Tester» | 7. | |
Макс Молион Maxx Maulion | ... | Gary aka «The Sound Man» | 8. | |
Марк Геллер Marc Geller | ... | Marshmallow Man | 9. | |
Дж. Пол Салветти G. Paul Salvetti | ... | Pirate Ice Cream Man | 10. | |
Александр Джеймисон Alexander Jameson | ... | Infomercial Child | 11. | |
Крістофер С. Меле Christopher Mele | ... | Chicago Cop | 12. | |
Эдисон Эйзенберг Adison Eisenberg | ... | Infomercial Child | 13. | |
Фрэнки Петросино Frankie Petrosino | ... | Little Boy | 14. | |
Марк А. Лэнгстон Mark Langston У титрах Mark A. Langston | ... | Wall Street Trader | 15. | |
Кэйси Ли Kasey Lee | ... | Vietnamese Child | 16. | |
Лили Петерсон Lily Peterson | ... | Marshmallow Girl | 17. | |
Нимо Ганди Nimo Gandhi | ... | The Dentist | 18. | |
Стюарт Стейнберг Stewart Steinberg | ... | The Grandpa | 19. | |
Эрик Самора Erick Zamora | ... | Elvis | 20. | |
John Elefantis | ... | Dominican Laborer | 21. | |
Niko Papastefanou | ... | Ice Cream Buddy | 22. | |
Jose Claudio | ... | Soliciting Ice Cream Man | 23. | |
Drew Schrum | ... | 24. | ||
Alex Louis | ... | Childhood Friend | 25. | |
Марк Ресник Mark Resnik | ... | Burly Worker | 26. | |
Филип Шефер Philip Schaefer | ... | Infomercial Producer | 27. | |
Пол Чек Paul Check | ... | Drug-Dealing Ice Cream Man | 28. | |
Тави Хуарес Tavi Juarez | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 29. | |
Логан Тейлор Logan Taylor | ... | Young Marty | 30. | |
Джесси ФонДефеер Jesse VanDerveer | ... | Ding Dong Kid | 31. | |
Бренда Кусимба Brenda Kuciemba | ... | Wall Street Trader | 32. | |
Claudia L. Brown | ... | Candy, the Cake Jumper | 33. | |
Дрю Хенриксен Drew Henriksen | ... | Cowboy | 34. | |
Тимоти Миллс Timothy Mills | ... | Berlin Wall Protester | 35. | |
Tomas Condon | ... | Pot Brownie Man | 36. | |
Линнси Льюис Lynnsey Lewis | ... | Birthday Cake Mascot / Mallowland Visitor | 37. | |
Джастин Р.Г. Холкомб Justin R.G. Holcomb | ... | Scottish Cop | 38. | |
Juliana Scherer | ... | Marshmallow Girl | 39. | |
Мари Чек Marie Check | ... | School Girl | 40. | |
Hayden Lamanuzzi | ... | Mallow Twin #1 | 41. | |
Рэймонд Савой Raymond Savoie | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 42. | |
Caitlyn Stellwagen | ... | Childhood Friend | 43. | |
Tanner Lamanuzzi | ... | Mallow Twin #2 | 44. | |
Лаура Маццотти Laura Mazziotti | ... | Marshmallow Mom | 45. | |
Mel Gibbon | ... | Bachelor Party Partier | 46. | |
Хосе Лопес Jose Lopez | ... | Marshmallow Mascot | 47. | |
Gary McNerney | ... | Marshmallow Executive | 48. | |
Томас Д. Уивер Thomas D. Weaver | ... | The Ice Cream Criminal | 49. | |
Erik Contzius | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 50. | |
Глория Юнг Gloria Jung | ... | Crazed Homemaker | 51. | |
Мэриэн Эдмистон Marian Edmiston | ... | Historical Society Docent | 52. | |
Jonathon Garrity | ... | Whippet Warrior | 53. | |
Нейт Стейнуочс Nate Steinwachs | ... | Tim | 54. | |
Timothy Shore | ... | Infomercial Spokesman | 55. | |
Kevin Moccia | ... | Jim Jones | 56. | |
Джоан Шенголд Joan Shangold | ... | The Mom | 57. | |
Джудит Анна Ди Донато Judith Anna Di Donato | ... | Crazed Homemaker | 58. | |
Майкл Стэнли Michael Stanley | ... | Marshmallow Executive | 59. | |
Гэбриэл Эйуэн Gabriel Awan | ... | Infomercial Subject | 60. | |
Винсент Леонг Vincent Leong | ... | Newscaster | 61. | |
Chris Tangredi | ... | Chocolate Loading Dock Worker | 62. | |
Anna Bella Michelino | ... | Crazed Homemaker | 63. | |
Кристиан Вонцль Kristian Wanzl | ... | German Translator | 64. | |
Emil Ferzola | ... | Marshmallow Executive | 65. | |
Elodie Rose У титрах Elodie Di Palo Burrone | ... | Wall Street Trader | 66. | |
Констанс Вуки Constance Wookey | ... | Berlin Wall Protester | 67. | |
Amy Lange | ... | Infomercial Spokeswoman | 68. | |
Francis Mancho | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 69. | |
Marc Blagowidow | ... | NYPD Policeman | 70. | |
Lori Franzese | ... | Theme Park Visitor | 71. | |
Фернандо Рамос Fernando Ramos У титрах Ruben F. Ramos | ... | Berlin Wall Protester | 72. | |
Tom Benjamin | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 73. | |
Lana Gallo | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 74. | |
Marianne Taylor | ... | Young Marty's Mom | 75. | |
Кристин Доннелли Christine Donnelly | ... | Theme Park Greeter | 76. | |
Nico Petrosino | ... | Young Marty's friend / Kit Kat Kid | 77. | |
Грегори Ливайн Gregory Levine | ... | Adolf Hitler | 78. | |
Mami Kudo | ... | Gary's Love Interest | 79. | |
Tyler Koester | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 80. | |
Brian Matthew Higgs | ... | Laboratory Taste Tester | 81. | |
Doan Denehee | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 82. | |
Ричард Флайт Richard Flight | ... | Marshmallow CEO | 83. | |
Russell Norris | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 84. | |
Noble B. Whitted | ... | Childhood Friend | 85. | |
Siena Corrigan | ... | Childhood Friend | 86. | |
Jessica Michal | ... | Juke Box Girl | 87. | |
Ларисса Шраг Larissa Schrage | ... | Candy Cane Mascot | 88. | |
Mary Kate Kruhm | ... | Theater-goer | 89. | |
Тони Кост Tony Kost | ... | Corporate Security Guard | 90. | |
Joseph Golden | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 91. | |
Courtney Baranow | ... | Donut Disco Girl | 92. | |
Dan Lerner | ... | Marshmallow Executive | 93. | |
Vivian Petrosino | ... | Little Boy's Mother | 94. | |
Gayle DeBaun | ... | Historical Society Docent | 95. | |
Донна Л. Уайт Donna L. White | ... | Mocking Reporter | 96. | |
Kellyrose Marry | ... | Theater-goer | 97. | |
Fiona Nunn | ... | Theater-goer | 98. | |
Sanjra Livingston | ... | Theme Park Visitor | 99. | |
Dan Forman | ... | Marshmallow Executive | 100. | |
Jessica Bulzachelli | ... | District Attorney Intern | 101. | |
Bleu Kingsley У титрах Delaney Bleu | ... | Hot Cocoa Girl | 102. | |
Brian Thomas | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 103. | |
David DeRita | ... | Berlin Wall Protester | 104. | |
Arthur S. Armstrong III | ... | 105. | ||
Дина Лучези Dina Lucchesi | ... | Crazed Homemaker | 106. | |
Трой Райт Troy Wright | ... | Cote D'Ivoire Soldier | 107. | |
Eunice Rhodes | ... | Laboratory Taste Tester | 108. | |
Peter Larson | ... | Degenerate Ice Cream Man | 109. | |
Edwina McGonigle | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 110. | |
Paulo Guimaraes | ... | Protester / Mascot | 111. | |
Phyllis Clements | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 112. | |
Kristin Went | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 113. | |
Craig Rufolo | ... | Lollipop Man | 114. | |
Alayna Johnson | ... | Theater-goer | 115. | |
Joe Masciello | ... | Infomercial Prop Man | 116. | |
Erin Story | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 117. | |
Paul Cosma | ... | San Fran Bodega Owner | 118. | |
Gerlind Lwowski | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 119. | |
Эмбер Лианг Amber Liang | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 120. | |
Katie Winkelstein-Deveneck | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 121. | |
Robert Baneky | ... | NYPD Policeman | 122. | |
Gjina Bujaj | ... | Supermarket Shopper | 123. | |
Leah Alfieri | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 124. | |
Jarred White | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 125. | |
Tess Dul | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 126. | |
Philip Angelastro | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 127. | |
Andrew Pesavento | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 128. | |
Брэдли Родс Bradley Rhodes | ... | Marshmallow Executive | 129. | |
Nealie Diggs | ... | Mocking Reporter | 130. | |
Kayla Weinerman | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 131. | |
Doreen Florence | ... | Wall Street Trader | 132. | |
Caitlin Sing | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 133. | |
Alyssa Perugini | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 134. | |
Luis Torres | ... | Bachelor Party Partier | 135. | |
Richard Thomas | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 136. | |
Tola Lawal | ... | Haitian Migrant | 137. | |
Tyrone Bowen | ... | San Fran Convenience Store Patron | 138. | |
Julie Novak | ... | Devon | 139. | |
Garfield Holland | ... | Ice Cream Drug Customer | 140. | |
Joseph Calderone | ... | Boozy Bears Guy | 141. | |
Моника Флаэрти Monica Flaherty | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 142. | |
Tyler Mell | ... | Bachelor Party Partier | 143. | |
Katerina Trantzas | ... | Vietnamese Child | 144. | |
Kim Kreil | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 145. | |
Patricia McBride | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 146. | |
Paul Helou | ... | Korean War Soldier | 147. | |
Ryan Dreyer | ... | Wall Street Trader | 148. | |
Christopher M. Popp | ... | Jumping Ice Cream Man / Nam Soldier | 149. | |
Stanley Petoin | ... | Haitian Migrant | 150. | |
Brinn Patterson | ... | Startled Shopper | 151. | |
Jess Dul | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 152. | |
Грегори Рамос Gregory Ramos | ... | Whippet Warrior | 153. | |
Kyle Krukar | ... | Vietnam Soldier | 154. | |
Joanne Patterson | ... | Startled Shopper | 155. | |
Anthony Stellato | ... | Wall Street Trader | 156. | |
Alex Oliver | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 157. | |
Westley Barrington Artope | ... | Security Guard | 158. | |
Mickey Denehee | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 159. | |
Jacob Contzius | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 160. | |
Michael Webb | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 161. | |
Cassandra Lynn King | ... | 162. | ||
John Litaker | ... | Mascot | 163. | |
Tondrae Kemp | ... | Marshmallow Executive | 164. | |
Jason Nelson | ... | Haitian Migrant | 165. | |
James McGonigle | ... | Marshmallow Executive | 166. | |
Erica Lyn Higgs | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 167. | |
Thomas Gleeson | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 168. | |
Майкл Джорджо Michael Giorgio | ... | Chocolate Ride рассказчик | 169. | |
Kim Thomas | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 170. | |
Ken Foster | ... | 171. | ||
Adrian Taylor | ... | Soft Drink Mascot | 172. | |
Isaac Enz-Meltz | ... | Ice Cream Robber | 173. | |
Julia VanderVeen | ... | Crazed Homemaker | 174. | |
Анджела Рамирес Angela Ramirez | ... | Housemaid Mascot | 175. | |
Сэйдж Несбитт Saige Nesbitt | ... | Mallowland Attendee | 176. | |
Alexis DePersia Norelli | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 177. | |
Тамар Лопес Tamar Lopez | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 178. | |
Greg Leong | ... | Mallowland Stagehand | 179. | |
Maria Castillo | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 180. | |
John Shawl | ... | Korean War Soldier | 181. | |
Charles Gent | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 182. | |
Jaélen Haskett | ... | Infomercial Child | 183. | |
Марджори Остриан Marjorie Austrian | ... | The Grandma | 184. | |
Silvia Gutierrez | ... | Drug Addicted Ice Cream Woman | 185. | |
Charles Gert | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 186. | |
Clinton Jones | ... | Whippet Warrior | 187. | |
Lizzy Tate | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 188. | |
David James Palmer | ... | Vanilla Fudge Man | 189. | |
Cindy Hutchison | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 190. | |
Christopher Farina | ... | Angry Man in the Crowd / Easter Bunny | 191. | |
June Hutchison | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 192. | |
Joshua Wrobel | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 193. | |
Samantha D'Orazio | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 194. | |
Karriem Barrow Rashid | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 195. | |
Dana Bruton | ... | Crazed Homemaker | 196. | |
Steven Alexis | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 197. | |
Erin Wik | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 198. | |
James D. Hughes Jr. | ... | Slave Apparition | 199. | |
Chris Routh | ... | Mallowland Visitor | 200. | |
Vera Sokol | ... | Marshmallow Festival-Goer | 201. | |
Марко Кака Marko Caka | ... | Slave Trader, немає в титрах | 202. | |
Мохаммед Хоссейн Mohammed Hossain | ... | Chocolate Loading Dock Transport Technician, немає в титрах | 203. | |
George Morafetis | ... | Mr. Livitz aka 'The Video Manager', немає в титрах | 204. |