Фильмография Уоллес Бири
The Mack Sennett Collection: Volume One (2014) |
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Список кораблей (2008) |
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20th Century-Fox: Первые 50 лет (1997) 20th Century-Fox: The First 50 Years Actor 'The Mighty Barnum', нет в титрах |
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История американского кино от Мартина Скорсезе (1995) A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies actor 'The Big House', нет в титрах |
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Закрытые показы (1995) Private Screenings Zed Bascomb, нет в титрах |
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Биография (1987) Biography Actor 'The Mighty Barnum', нет в титрах |
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Going Hollywood: The '30s (1984) |
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Америка в кино (1976) America at the Movies Dan Packard |
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Brother Can You Spare a Dime (1975) играет себя |
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Вот это развлечение! (1974) That's Entertainment! Clip from 'A Date with Judy', нет в титрах |
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Большой парад комедии (1964) The Big Parade of Comedy Terry Brennan in 'Tugboat Annie' |
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Hollywood: The Golden Years (1961) Actor 'Teddy at the THrottle', нет в титрах |
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Когда комедия была королем кино (1960) When Comedy Was King edited from 'Teddy at The throttle' |
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Screen Snapshots: Hollywood Memories (1951) играет себя |
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The Soundman (1950) Bill, нет в титрах |
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Некоторые из лучших: Двадцать пять лет лидерства в кинематографе (1949) Some of the Best: Twenty-Five Years of Motion Picture Leadership играет себя, нет в титрах |
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Большой Джек (1949) Big Jack Big Jack Horner |
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Свидание с Джуди (1948) A Date with Judy Melvin Colner Foster |
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Псевдоним – Джентльмен (1948) Alias a Gentleman Jim Breedin |
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Могучий Макгурк (1947) The Mighty McGurk Roy «Slag» McGurk |
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Негодяй Баскомб (1946) Bad Bascomb Zeb Bascomb |
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Флот этого человека (1945) This Man's Navy Ned Trumpet |
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Джентльмен побережья Барбари (1944) Barbary Coast Gent |
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Rationing (1944) Ben Barton |
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Салют военным морякам (1943) Salute to the Marines Sgt. Maj. William Bailey |
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Ослиная почта (1942) Jackass Mail Marmaduke «Just» Baggot |
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Звуки горна (1942) The Bugle Sounds Sgt. Patrick Aloysius «Hap» Doan |
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Надоедливый Билл (1941) Barnacle Bill Bill Johansen |
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Плохой человек (1941) The Bad Man Pancho Lopez |
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Вайоминг (1940) Wyoming «Reb» Harkness |
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Упряжка из двадцати мулов (1940) 20 Mule Team Skinner Bill Bragg, an Alias of Ambrose Murphy |
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Человек из Дакоты (1940) The Man from Dakota Sgt. «Bar» Barstow |
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Hollywood: Style Center of the World (1940) играет себя |
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Thunder Afloat (1939) John Thorson |
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Страна свободы (1939) Land of Liberty |
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Сержант Мадден (1939) Sergeant Madden Sgt. Shaun Madden |
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Встань и дерись (1939) Stand Up and Fight Captain Boss Starkey |
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Из одной конюшни (1938) Stablemates Doc Thomas «Tom» Terry |
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Порт семи морей (1938) Port of Seven Seas Cesar |
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Behind the Movie Lens (1938) играет себя, нет в титрах |
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Негодяй из Бримстоуна (1937) The Bad Man of Brimstone «Trigger» Bill |
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Корабль рабов (1937) Slave Ship Jack Thompson |
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Старый добрый пьяница (1937) The Good Old Soak Clem Hawley |
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Старый хатч (1936) Old Hutch «Hutch» Hutchins |
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Послание к Гарсиа (1936) A Message to Garcia Sergeant Dory |
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Ах, какая глушь! (1935) Ah, Wilderness! Sid |
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Мальчики О’Шонесси (1935) O'Shaughnessy's Boy Captain Michael 'Windy' O'Shaughnessy |
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Моря Китая (1935) China Seas Jamesy MacArdle |
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Военно-воздушная академия (1935) West Point of the Air Big Mike Stone |
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Могучий Барнум (1934) The Mighty Barnum Phineas T. Barnum |
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Остров сокровищ (1934) Treasure Island Long John Silver |
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Да здравствует Вилья! (1934) Viva Villa! Pancho Villa |
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По дороге в Голливуд (1933) Going Hollywood играет себя, Premiere Clip, нет в титрах |
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Бауэри (1933) The Bowery Chuck Connors |
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Обед в восемь (1933) Dinner at Eight Dan Packard |
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Буксирщица Энни (1933) Tugboat Annie Terry Brennan |
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Плоть (1932) Flesh Polakai |
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Гранд Отель (1932) Grand Hotel General Director Preysing |
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Чемпион (1931) The Champ Champ |
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Чертовы ныряльщики (1931) Hell Divers Windy |
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Мы переехали в Голливуд (1931) Wir schalten um auf Hollywood играет себя |
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Тайная шестерка (1931) The Secret Six Scorpio |
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Украденные драгоценности (1931) The Stolen Jools Police Sergeant |
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Рождественская вечеринка (1931) The Christmas Party Wallace Beery, нет в титрах |
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Jackie Cooper's Birthday Party (1931) играет себя |
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Мин и Билл (1930) Min and Bill Bill |
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A Lady's Morals (1930) Barnum |
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Путь моряка (1930) Way for a Sailor Tripod |
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Билли Кид (1930) Billy the Kid Deputy Sheriff Pat Garrett |
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Казенный дом (1930) The Big House Butch |
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Река романса (1929) River of Romance General Orlando Jackson |
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Лестницы из песка (1929) Stairs of Sand Lacey |
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Ночи китайского квартала (1929) Chinatown Nights Chuck Riley |
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Соучастники преступления (1928) Partners in Crime Detective Mike Doolan |
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Нищие жизни (1928) Beggars of Life Oklahoma Red |
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The Big Killing (1928) Powderhorn Pete |
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Wife Savers (1928) Louis Hosenozzle |
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Two Flaming Youths (1927) Beery - Of Berry and Hatton, нет в титрах |
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Сейчас мы в воздухе (1927) Now We're in the Air Wally |
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Пожарный, спаси моего ребёнка (1927) Fireman, Save My Child Elmer |
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Кейси в комнате (1927) Casey at the Bat Casey |
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Старые броненосцы (1926) Old Ironsides Bos'n |
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Теперь мы на флоте (1926) We're in the Navy Now «Knockout» Hansen |
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Вулкан (1926) Volcano Quembo |
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По ту сторону фронта (1926) Behind the Front Riff Swanson |
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Маска Джека (1925) The Pony Express Rhode Island Red |
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Странник (1925) The Wanderer Pharis |
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Бурные воды (1925) Rugged Water Capt. Bartlett |
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Во имя любви (1925) In the Name of Love Glavis |
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Ночной клуб (1925) The Night Club José |
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Приключение (1925) Adventure Morgan |
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Выходя из затруднений (1925) Coming Through Joe Lawler |
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Великое разделение (1925) The Great Divide Dutch |
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Дьявольский груз (1925) The Devil's Cargo Ben |
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Затерянный мир (1925) The Lost World Prof. Challenger ...В титрах Mr. Wallace Beery |
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Пусть женщины будут одни (1925) Let Women Alone Cap Bullwinkle |
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Так велик (1924) So Big Klaus Poole |
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Уличная Мадонна (1924) Madonna of the Streets Bill Smythe |
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Dynamite Smith (1924) «Slugger» Rourke |
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Красная лилия (1924) Red Lily Bo-Bo |
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Жена другого мужчины (1924) Another Man's Wife Captain Wolf |
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Сигнальная башня (1924) The Signal Tower Joe Standish |
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Морской ястреб (1924) The Sea Hawk Captain Jasper Leigh |
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Unseen Hands (1924) Jean Scholast |
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Белый тигр (1923) White Tiger Count Donelli / Hawkes |
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Ричард Львиное Сердце (1923) Richard the Lion-Hearted King Richard the Lion-Hearted |
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Вечная борьба (1923) The Eternal Struggle Barode Dukane |
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Испанская танцовщица (1923) The Spanish Dancer King Philip IV |
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Три эпохи (1923) Three Ages The Villain |
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Дрейфующий (1923) Drifting Jules Repin |
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Пепел мести (1923) Ashes of Vengeance Duc de Tours |
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Bavu (1923) Felix Bavu |
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Stormswept (1923) William McCabe |
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Пламя жизни (1923) The Flame of Life Don Lowrie |
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The Drums of Jeopardy (1923) Gregor Karlov |
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Родственники жены (1922) My Wife's Relations Photographer, нет в титрах |
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Девушка урагана (1922) Hurricane's Gal Chris Borg |
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Only a Shop Girl (1922) Jim Brennan |
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Сделка вслепую (1922) A Blind Bargain Beast Man, нет в титрах |
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Робин Гуд (1922) Robin Hood Richard the Lion-Hearted |
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Проблема (1922) Trouble Ed Lee, the Plumber |
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Я представляю закон (1922) I Am the Law Fu Chang |
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Дикий мёд (1922) Wild Honey Buck Roper |
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Чётки (1922) The Rosary Kenwood Wright |
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Вкус полыни (1922) The Sagebrush Trail José Fagaro |
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Alias Julius Caesar (1922) слухи |
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Человек с дьявольской реки (1922) The Man from Hell's River Gaspard, The Wolf |
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The Last Trail (1921) William Kirk |
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Белая мышь (1921) The White Mouse Dr. Lawler |
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The Ne'er to Return Road (1921) Convict #12896 |
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The Policeman and the Baby (1921) The Crook |
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Золотые силки (1921) The Golden Snare Bram Johnson |
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The Northern Trail (1921) Otto Franke |
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A Tale of Two Worlds (1921) Ling Jo |
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Четыре всадника Апокалипсиса (1921) The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Lt. Col. von Richthosen |
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Patsy (1921) Gustave Ludermann |
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Sleeping Acres (1921) |
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The Rookie's Return (1920) François Dupont |
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813 (1920) Maj. Parbury / Ribeira |
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Последний из Могикан (1920) The Last of the Mohicans Magua |
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Сводка новостей (1920) The Round-Up Buck McKee |
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Неженка (1920) The Mollycoddle Henry von Holkar |
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Богоматерь Стамбула (1920) The Virgin of Stamboul Sheik Achmet Hamid |
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The Lone Wolf's Daughter (1919) Undetermined role, нет в титрах |
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Behind the Door (1919) Lt. Brandt |
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Победа (1919) Victory August Schomberg |
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Soldiers of Fortune (1919) Mendoza |
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Линия жизни (1919) The Life Line Bos |
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The Love Burglar (1919) Coast-to-Coast Taylor |
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A Beach Nut (1919) |
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Only a Janitor (1919) |
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Непростительный грех (1919) The Unpardonable Sin Col. Klemm |
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Вербовка Джоанны (1918) Johanna Enlists Col. Fanner |
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That Night (1917) The Cafe Proprietor $ 50 (/неделя) |
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Are Waitresses Safe? (1917) Party Guest, нет в титрах |
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A Bedroom Blunder (1917) Man in Hotel Lobby, нет в титрах |
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A Clever Dummy (1917) Patrick Cohen - a Vaudeville Manager |
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Маленькая американка (1917) The Little American German Soldier, нет в титрах |
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Кактус Нелл (1917) Cactus Nell A Polished Gent |
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Тедди на полной скорости (1917) Teddy at the Throttle Henry Black - Gloria's Rascally Guardian |
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Maggie's First False Step (1917) The Villain |
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Родина (1917) Patria Pancho Villa |
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Bombs and Banknotes (1917) |
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A Capable Lady Cook (1916) |
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Sweedie, the Janitor (1916) Sweedie |
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Just a Few Little Things (1916) |
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Дворник (1916) The Janitor |
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Hearts and Sparks (1916) Minor Role |
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A Dash of Courage (1916) The Police Chief |
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The Janitor's Vacation (1916) |
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The Fable of the Roistering Blades (1915) Milt |
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Education (1915) Bob |
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Нарушенный обет (1915) The Broken Pledge Percy |
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Sweedie's Finish (1915) Sweedie |
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The Slim Princess (1915) Popova |
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Sweedie's Hero (1915) Sweedie |
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Sweedie in Vaudeville (1915) Sweedie |
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Done in Wax (1915) The Hobo |
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The Bouquet (1915) Sweedie |
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Sweedie Learns to Ride (1915) Sweedie |
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Love and Trouble (1915) Sweedie |
181. | |
Father's New Maid (1915) Jack / Sweedie |
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Sweedie's Hopeless Love (1915) Sweedie |
183. | |
Ain't It the Truth? (1915) Harold Wallington |
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A Pound for a Pound (1915) Buck Gibson |
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Победитель (1915) The Victor Mr. Justwed |
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Суиди идёт в колледж (1915) Sweedie Goes to College Sweedie |
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Новый учитель (1915) The New Teacher Sweedie - the New Teacher |
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Two Hearts That Beat as Ten (1915) Fred |
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Sweedie and Her Dog (1915) Sweedie |
190. | |
Sweedie's Suicide (1915) Sweedie |
191. | |
Sweedie and the Sultan's Present (1915) Sweedie |
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Two Dinky Little Dramas of a Non-Serious Kind (1914) The Lover |
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Sweedie Collects for Charity (1914) Sweedie |
194. | |
Their Cheap Vacation (1914) Mr. Newlywed |
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Madame Double X (1914) Madame Double X |
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The Fable of the Bush League Lover Who Failed to Qualify (1914) Homer Splivins |
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Sweedie and the Hypnotist (1914) Sweedie |
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A Maid of War (1914) Sweedie |
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Sweedie at the Fair (1914) Sweedie |
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Countess Sweedie (1914) Sweedie |
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Three Boiled Down Fables (1914) Speeding Driver, Episode #3, The Prevailing Craze |
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The Prevailing Craze (1914) |
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Sweedie the Trouble Maker (1914) Sweedie |
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The Laundress (1914) Sweedie - the Laundress |
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Rivalry and War (1914) Krautmeyer |
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She Landed a Big One (1914) Sweedie |
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Свиди учится плавать (1914) Sweedie Learns to Swim Sweedie |
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The Fickleness of Sweedie (1914) Sweedie |
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Golf Champion «Chick» Evans Links with Sweedie (1914) Sweedie |
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Sweedie's Clean-Up (1914) Sweedie |
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Sweedie's Skate (1914) Sweedie |
212. | |
The Plum Tree (1914) |
213. | |
When Knights Were Bold (1914) The Earl |
214. | |
Love and Soda (1914) The Plumber |
215. | |
Sweedie Springs a Surprise (1914) Sweedie |
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Sweedie and the Double Exposure (1914) Sweedie |
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The Fable of the Manoeuvres of Joel and Father's Second Time on Earth (1914) Attorney for Suggs |
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Topsy-Turvy Sweedie (1914) Sweedie |
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The Fable of the Busy Business Boy and the Droppers-In (1914) |
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In and Out (1914) Hans |
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The Fable of the Coming Champion Who Was Delayed (1914) The Coming Champion |
222. | |
Sweedie and the Lord (1914) Sweedie |
223. | |
The Fable of Higher Education That Was Too High for the Old Man (1914) The Football Hero |
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The Fable of Napoleon and the Bumps (1914) Prof. Bunkum |
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Sweedie the Swatter (1914) Sweedie (a Swedish maid) |
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The Epidemic (1914) |
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The Fable of the Brash Drummer and the Nectarine (1914) Gabby Gus - the Brash Drummer |
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This Is the Life (1914) Hiram Stebbins |
229. | |
Jane (1914) The Doctor |
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Actor Finney's Finish (1914) Actor James Finney |
231. | |
Three Little Powders (1914) Wallace Williams |
232. | |
Making Him Over -- For Minnie (1914) |
233. | |
Curing a Husband (1914) Robert - the Husband |
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Wrong All Around (1914) The Plumber |
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The Winner (1914) Fritz Noodle |
236. | |
And He Came Back (1914) Horatio Algernon Botts |
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The Bargain Hunters (1914) |
238. | |
A Queer Quarantine (1914) Mrs. Potter |
239. | |
Ох, доктор (1914) Oh, Doctor The Deaf Minister |
240. | |
Grass County Goes Dry (1914) The Constable |
241. | |
The Girl, the Cop, the Burglar (1914) Jack Hazard |
242. | |
Mrs. Manly's Baby (1914) |
243. | |
One-to-Three (1914) Willie Brace |
244. | |
Looking for Trouble (1914) |
245. | |
The Hour and the Man (1914) A Juror |
246. | |
A Foot of Romance (1914) Jim Foley |
247. | |
The Ups and Downs (1914) |
248. | |
Cheering a Husband (1914) |
249. | |
At the Old Maid's Call (1913) Miss Muchmoney - the Old Maid |
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Hello, Trouble (1913) |
251. | |
Smithy's Grandma Party (1913) Prof. Smithy |
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Kitty's Knight (1913) Mike McManus |
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The Usual Way (1913) The Dentist |
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Their Wives' Indiscretion (1913) Mr. Jones |
255. | |
Day by Day (1913) Bill the Iceman |
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Dad's Insanity (1913) |
257. | |
A Successful Failure (1913) The Uncle |
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Love Incognito (1913) Secondary Role |
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The Right of Way (1913) нет в титрах |
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Sweet Revenge (1913) Phil Culture |
261. | |
Mr. Dippy Dipped (1913) Undetermined Role |
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His Athletic Wife (1913) Mr. Strong |
263. |