Вайнона Райдер, Дэвид Харбор, Ноа Шнапп, Финн Вулфхард, Милли Бобби Браун, Наталия Дайер, Гейтен Матараццо, Калеб Маклафлин, Сэди Синк на постере из фильмов Очень странные дела (2016), Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers (2016), Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street (2016), Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly (2016), Chapter Four: The Body (2016), Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat (2016), Chapter Six: The Monster (2016), Chapter Seven: The Bathtub (2016), Chapter Eight: The Upside Down (2016), Chapter One: MADMAX (2017), Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak (2017), Chapter Three: The Pollywog (2017), Chapter Four: Will the Wise (2017), Chapter Five: Dig Dug (2017), Chapter Six: The Spy (2017), Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister (2017), Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer (2017), Chapter Nine: The Gate (2017)