Фильмография Клиффорд Брюс

Фильмография: Актер
Black Is White (1920)
Baron Demetrius Strakosch
Woman, Woman! (1919)
Samson Rathbone
The Racing Strain (1918)
Jim De Luce
Power (1918)
Riders of the Night (1918)
John Derr
Breakers Ahead (1918)
Eric Pixley
A Weaver of Dreams (1918)
Carter Keith
The Winding Trail (1918)
Zachary Wando
The Marriage Trap (1918)
Blue Jeans (1917)
Ben Boone
The Siren (1917)
Derrick McClade
The Final Payment (1917)
The Barricade (1917)
John Cook
Passion (1917)
Семь смертных грехов (1917)
The Seven Deadly Sins
Leonidas (Passion)
The Sin Woman (1917)
John Winthrop
The Weakness of Strength (1916)
Bill Jackson
Дьявол у его локтя (1916)
The Devil at His Elbow
John Ashton
Четвёртое сословие (1916)
The Fourth Estate
A Woman's Past (1915)
Wilson Stanley
Тайна леди Одли (1915)
Lady Audley's Secret
George Talboys
Дочь Дьявола (1915)
The Devil's Daughter
Жил-был дурак (1915)
A Fool There Was
The Friend
Princess Romanoff (1915)
Loris Ipanoff
From the Valley of the Missing (1915)
Gov. Vandecar
The Pirates of Peacock Alley (1914)
Her Ladyship (1914)
Lord Sibley
A Page from Yesterday (1914)
Ned - the Artist / Husband
The Rube (1914)
Bunny Summers - the Rube
Опасные похождения Полины (1914)
The Perils of Pauline
Gypsy Leader
A Modern Vendetta (1914)
Judge Walcott - Tommy's Father
Too Late (1914)
Robert von Erlen
When Rome Ruled (1914)
The Royal Box (1914)
The Prince of Wales
Life for Life (1913)
The Conscience Fund (1913)
Our Neighbors (1913)
Mr. Marvin - the Banker
The Invisible Government (1913)
John Drexel - Lawyer
The Wheels of Fate (1913)
Charles Lawler
The Jeweled Slippers (1913)
Charles Lawler