Актори серіалаНічна галерея (1969)
Знімальна група: Актори, Режисери, Продюсери, Сценаристи, Оператори, Композитори, Монтажери, Художники
Род Серлинг Rod Serling | ... | грає себе, ведущий | 1. | |
Ларри Уотсон Larry Watson | ... | First Deputy (segment 'Green Fingers') | 2. | |
Джоанна Петтет Joanna Pettet | ... | Claire Foster (segment: Keep in Touch - We'll Think of Something) | 3. | |
Matt Pelto | ... | 2nd Doctor (segment 'The Little Black Bag') | 4. | |
Джеральдін Пейдж Geraldine Page | ... | Frances Turchin (segment 'Stop Killing Me') | 5. | |
Джон Естін John Astin | ... | Jonathan (segment 'Pamela's Voice') | 6. | |
Майкл Лэйрд Michael Laird | ... | 1st Goblin | 7. | |
Алан Напьє Alan Napier | ... | Cousin Zachariah Ogilvy | 8. | |
Джон Дж. Фокс John J. Fox | ... | Heckler (segment 'Make Me Laugh') | 9. | |
Джон Барклай John Barclay | ... | Another Man (segment 'The Sins of the Fathers') | 10. | |
Джек Лэйрд Jack Laird | ... | Laboratory Assistant (segment 'With Apologies to Mr. Hyde') | 11. | |
Сандра Ди Sandra Dee | ... | Ann Bolt (segment 'Tell David...') | 12. | |
Росс Мартин Ross Martin | ... | Bradley Meredith | 13. | |
Стюарт Уітман Stuart Whitman | ... | Capt. Hendrick Lindemann (segment 'Lindemann's Catch') | 14. | |
Сьюзен Страсберг Susan Strasberg | ... | Ruth Asquith (segment 'Midnight Never Ends') | 15. | |
Джеймс Фарентіно James Farentino | ... | Craig Lowell (segment 'Since Aunt Ada Came to Stay') | 16. | |
Вільям Віндом William Windom | ... | Professor Putman (segment 'Little Girl Lost') | 17. | |
Стів Форрест Steve Forrest | ... | Grant Wilson (segment 'Hatred Unto Death') | 18. | |
Кемерон Мітчелл Cameron Mitchell | ... | Michael J. Saunders (segment 'Green Fingers') | 19. | |
Річард Кайлі Richard Kiley | ... | Josef Strobe | 20. | |
Віктор Буоно Victor Buono | ... | Customer | 21. | |
Билл Биксби Bill Bixby | ... | Bruce Tarraday | 22. | |
Берджесс Мередіт Burgess Meredith | ... | Charlie Finnegan | 23. | |
Луиз Сорель Louise Sorel | ... | Mavis Goldsmith (segment 'Pickman's Model') | 24. | |
Реймонд Мессі Raymond Massey | ... | Colonel Archie Dittman (segment 'Clean Kills and Other Trophies') | 25. | |
Вінсент Прайс Vincent Price | ... | John Carnby | 26. | |
Айвор Френсис Ivor Francis | ... | Dr. Charles Cottrell (segment 'Little Girl Lost') | 27. | |
Бэрри Салливан Barry Sullivan | ... | Dr. Frank Heatherton | 28. | |
Том Бослі Tom Bosley | ... | Jules Kettleman (segment 'Make Me Laugh') | 29. | |
Леслі Нільсен Leslie Nielsen | ... | Col. Dennis Malloy (segment 'A Question of Fear') | 30. | |
Лейф Еріксон Leif Erickson | ... | Charlie Wheatland | 31. | |
Пегги Уэббер Peggy Webber | ... | First Phone Operator (segment 'The Different Ones') | 32. | |
Джозеф Кампанелла Joseph Campanella | ... | Father (segment 'Miss Lovecraft Sent Me') | 33. | |
Джон Уільямс John Williams | ... | Colonel Hymber Masters (segment 'The Doll') | 34. | |
Кэтлин Корделл Cathleen Cordell | ... | Miss Beamish (segment 'The Housekeeper') | 35. | |
Жанетт Нолан Jeanette Nolan | ... | Aunt Ada Burn Quigley (segment 'Since Aunt Ada Came to Stay') | 36. | |
Джим Боулс Jim Boles | ... | Bennett (segment 'Lindemann's Catch') | 37. | |
Білл Куінн Bill Quinn | ... | Doctor (segment 'Green Fingers') | 38. | |
Бэрри Этуотер Barry Atwater | ... | Brandon | 39. | |
Артур Мелет Arthur Malet | ... | Abel Joyce (segment 'Camera Obscura') | 40. | |
Чарльз Дэвис Charles Davis | ... | Hayes | 41. | |
Роджер Е. Мослі Roger E. Mosley | ... | Prisoner | 42. | |
Кент Смит Kent Smith | ... | Bennett (segment 'Deliveries in the Rear') | 43. | |
Брендан Диллон Brendan Dillon | ... | Amos Drucker (segment 'Camera Obscura') | 44. | |
Стюарт Нисбет Stuart Nisbet | ... | Detective Kimbrough (segment 'You Can Come Up Now, Mrs. Millikan') | 45. | |
Майк Рол Lindsay Wagner | ... | Girl (segment 'Smile, Please') | 46. | |
Теренс Пушман Terence Pushman | ... | Any Man (segment 'The Sins of the Fathers') | 47. | |
Стэнли Ваксман Stanley Waxman | ... | Bradley (segment 'The Academy') | 48. | |
Патриция Донахью Patricia Donahue | ... | Dr. Innokenti (segment 'The Hand of Borgus Weems') | 49. | |
Джейсон Вінгрін Jason Wingreen | ... | 2nd Reporter (segment 'The Nature of the Enemy') | 50. | |
Альберт Попвелл Albert Popwell | ... | 3rd Reporter (segment 'The Nature of the Enemy') | 51. | |
Джеймс Сіккінг James Sikking | ... | 1st Reporter (segment 'The Nature of the Enemy') | 52. | |
Дон Мелвон Don Melvoin | ... | 1st Workman (segment 'They're Tearing Down Tim Riley's Bar') | 53. | |
Пернелл Робертс Pernell Roberts | ... | Joe Bellman | 54. | |
Джефф Корі Jeff Corey | ... | Dr. Miles Talmadge (segment 'The Dead Man') | 55. | |
Джеймс Метропол James Metropole | ... | Delivery Boy (segment 'Dead Weight') | 56. | |
Агнес Мурхед Agnes Moorehead | ... | Emma Brigham (segment 'Certain Shadows on the Wall') | 57. | |
Джин Р. Кирни Gene R. Kearney | ... | 2nd Bartender (segment 'Make Me Laugh') | 58. | |
Сюзанна Дарроу Susannah Darrow | ... | First Boreon Woman (segment 'The Different Ones') | 59. | |
Джоан Кроуфорд Joan Crawford | ... | Miss Claudia Menlo | 60. | |
Карл Бетц Carl Betz | ... | Dr. Max Redford (segment 'The Dead Man') | 61. | |
Джозеф Уайзмен Joseph Wiseman | ... | Jacob Bauman (segment 'Room with a View') | 62. | |
Марти Аллен Marty Allen | ... | Edgar Allan Poe (segment 'Quoth the Raven') | 63. | |
Дена Ендрюс Dana Andrews | ... | Paul Koch (segment 'The Different Ones') | 64. | |
Годфри Кэмбридж Godfrey Cambridge | ... | Jackie Slater (segment 'Make Me Laugh') | 65. | |
Майкл Константин Michael Constantine | ... | Wellman (segment 'The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes') | 66. | |
Гленн Корбетт Glenn Corbett | ... | Richard Alden (segment 'Brenda') | 67. | |
Алекс Корд Alex Cord | ... | Erik Sutton (segment: Keep in Touch - We'll Think of Something) | 68. | |
Боб Крэйн Bob Crane | ... | Ellis Travers (segment 'House - With Ghost') | 69. | |
Хельмут Дантин Helmut Dantine | ... | General von Grunn (segment 'The Devil Is Not Mocked') | 70. | |
Філліс Діллер Phyllis Diller | ... | Pamela (segment 'Pamela's Voice') | 71. | |
Бредфорд Діллман Bradford Dillman | ... | Richard Upton Pickman (segment 'Pickman's Model') | 72. | |
Петті Дьюк Patty Duke | ... | Holly Schaeffer (segment 'The Diary') | 73. | |
Жа Жа Габор Zsa Zsa Gabor | ... | Mrs. Moore (segment 'The Painted Mirror') | 74. | |
Элизабет Хартман Elizabeth Hartman | ... | Judith Timm (segment 'The Dark Boy') | 75. | |
Роберт Ф. Лайонс Robert F. Lyons | ... | Vincent Riley (segment 'Midnight Never Ends') | 76. | |
Патрік Макні Patrick Macnee | ... | Major Crosby (segment 'Logoda's Heads') | 77. | |
Е. Г. Маршалл E.G. Marshall | ... | Jared Soames (segment 'Death in the Family') | 78. | |
Девід МакКаллум David McCallum | ... | Dr. Joel Winter (segment 'The Phantom Farmhouse') | 79. | |
Патрік О`Ніл Patrick O'Neal | ... | Justus Walters (segment 'A Fear of Spiders') | 80. | |
Едвард Дж. Робінсон Edward G. Robinson | ... | Abraham Goldman (segment 'The Messiah on Mott Street') | 81. | |
Барбара Раш Barbara Rush | ... | Agatha Howard (segment 'Cool Air') | 82. | |
Орсон Веллс Orson Welles | ... | рассказчик (segment 'Silent Snow, Secret Snow') | 83. | |
Джек Альбертсон Jack Albertson | ... | O. Bullivant (segment 'Dead Weight') | 84. | |
Джо Флинн Joe Flynn | ... | Morton Silkline (segment 'The Funeral') | 85. | |
Джоель Грей Joel Grey | ... | Andrew MacBane (segment 'There Aren't Any More MacBanes') | 86. | |
Гаррі Гуардіно Harry Guardino | ... | Charlie Rogan (segment 'The Miracle at Camafeo') | 87. | |
Лоуренс Харви Laurence Harvey | ... | Steven Macy (segment 'The Caterpillar') | 88. | |
Сондра Лок Sondra Locke | ... | Sheila Gray (segment 'A Feast of Blood') | 89. | |
Гері Локвуд Gary Lockwood | ... | James Figg | 90. | |
Гаррі Морган Harry Morgan | ... | Thaddeus Conway (segment 'The Late Mr. Peddington') | 91. | |
Ед Нельсон Ed Nelson | ... | Tom Burke (segment 'Little Girl Lost') | 92. | |
Оззи Нельсон Ozzie Nelson | ... | Henry Millikan (segment 'You Can Come Up Now, Mrs. Millikan') | 93. | |
Луіс Неттлтон Lois Nettleton | ... | Moira (segment 'I'll Never Leave You - Ever') | 94. | |
Леонард Німой Leonard Nimoy | ... | Henry Auden | 95. | |
Міккі Руні Mickey Rooney | ... | August Kolodney | 96. | |
Корнел Уайлд Cornel Wilde | ... | Dr. John Fletcher (segment 'Deliveries in the Rear') | 97. | |
Дін Стоквелл Dean Stockwell | ... | Charlie Evans | 98. | |
Оссі Девіс Ossie Davis | ... | Osmund Portifoy | 99. | |
Даян Кітон Diane Keaton | ... | Nurse Frances Nevins (segment 'Room with a View') | 100. | |
Пол Ричардс Paul Richards | ... | Peugeot (segment 'The House') | 101. | |
Дези Арназ мл. Desi Arnaz Jr. | ... | Doran (segment 'Death in the Family') | 102. | |
Рене Обержонуа Rene Auberjonois | ... | William Sharsted (segment 'Camera Obscura') | 103. | |
Дайан Бейкер Diane Baker | ... | Lynn Alcott (segment 'They're Tearing Down Tim Riley's Bar') | 104. | |
Лонні Чепмен Lonny Chapman | ... | Father (segment 'Silent Snow, Secret Snow') | 105. | |
Генрі Дерроу Henry Darrow | ... | Dr. Juan Munos (segment 'Cool Air') | 106. | |
Клінт Ховард Clint Howard | ... | Herbie Bittman (segment 'The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes') | 107. | |
Яфет Котто Yaphet Kotto | ... | Buckner (segment 'The Messiah on Mott Street') | 108. | |
Френсис Ледерер Francis Lederer | ... | The Count (segment 'The Devil Is Not Mocked') | 109. | |
Мішель Лі Michele Lee | ... | Joanna Lowell (segment 'Since Aunt Ada Came to Stay') | 110. | |
Моника Льюис Monica Lewis | ... | Official (segment 'The Different Ones') | 111. | |
Линда Марш Linda Marsh | ... | Mildred Squire (segment 'The Phantom Farmhouse') | 112. | |
Джаред Мартін Jared Martin | ... | David Blessington (segment 'Tell David...') | 113. | |
Вірджинія Майо Virginia Mayo | ... | Carrie Crane (segment 'The Diary') | 114. | |
Артур О`Коннелл Arthur O'Connell | ... | Frank Standish (segment 'The Painted Mirror') | 115. | |
Брок Пітерс Brock Peters | ... | Logoda (segment 'Logoda's Heads') | 116. | |
Лори Прэндж Laurie Prange | ... | Brenda Alden (segment 'Brenda') | 117. | |
Гэйл Сондергаард Gale Sondergaard | ... | Abigail Moore (segment 'The Dark Boy') | 118. | |
Кім Стенлі Kim Stanley | ... | Elizabeth Croft (segment 'A Fear of Spiders') | 119. | |
Фріц Вівер Fritz Weaver | ... | Dr. Mazi (segment 'A Question of Fear') | 120. | |
Джо Энн Уорли Jo Anne Worley | ... | Iris Travers (segment 'House - With Ghost') | 121. | |
Джулі Адамс Julie Adams | ... | Gay Melcor (segment 'The Miracle at Camafeo') | 122. | |
Барбара Андерсон Barbara Anderson | ... | Leona Ogilvy | 123. | |
Джек Аронсон Jack Aranson | ... | Dr. Mordecai Nichols (segment 'Lindemann's Catch') | 124. | |
Дэйн Кларк Dane Clark | ... | William Jason | 125. | |
Ройал Дено Royal Dano | ... | Owen (segment 'I'll Never Leave You - Ever') | 126. | |
Бобби Дэрин Bobby Darin | ... | Landau (segment 'Dead Weight') | 127. | |
Ховард Дафф Howard Duff | ... | Arthur Porter (segment 'There Aren't Any More MacBanes') | 128. | |
Розмарі Форсайт Rosemary Forsyth | ... | Barbara Bennett (segment 'Deliveries in the Rear') | 129. | |
Лоррэйн Гари Lorraine Gary | ... | Barbara Morgan | 130. | |
Джеймс Грегори James Gregory | ... | Police Sgt. Stanley Beverlow (segment 'Stop Killing Me') | 131. | |
Кім Хантер Kim Hunter | ... | Cora Peddington (segment 'The Late Mr. Peddington') | 132. | |
Джилл Айрленд Jill Ireland | ... | Ann Loring (segment 'The Ghost of Sorworth Place') | 133. | |
Берл Айвз Burl Ives | ... | Old Man Doubleday | 134. | |
Вернер Клемперер Werner Klemperer | ... | Ludwig Asper (segment 'The Funeral') | 135. | |
Ельза Ланчестер Elsa Lanchester | ... | Lydia Bowen (segment 'Green Fingers') | 136. | |
Норман Ллойд Norman Lloyd | ... | Henry Mallory (segment 'A Feast of Blood') | 137. | |
Керол Лінлі Carol Lynley | ... | Jenny Tarraday (segment 'Last Rites for a Dead Druid') | 138. | |
Харриет Хиллиард Harriet Nelson | ... | Helena Millikan (segment 'You Can Come Up Now, Mrs. Millikan') | 139. | |
Сьюзэн Оливер Susan Oliver | ... | Kelly Bellman (segment 'The Tune in Dan's Cafe') | 140. | |
Альберт Селмі Albert Salmi | ... | Joe Bristol (segment 'The Waiting Room') | 141. | |
Тіша Стерлінг Tisha Sterling | ... | Fern | 142. | |
Річард Томас Richard Thomas | ... | Ian Evans (segment 'The Sins of the Fathers') | 143. | |
Джоан Ван Арк Joan Van Ark | ... | Sondra Blanco | 144. | |
Селлі Філд Sally Field | ... | Irene Evans | 145. | |
Алехандро Рей Alejandro Rey | ... | Raphael | 146. | |
Леслі Енн Воррен Lesley Ann Warren | ... | Hyacinth | 147. | |
Стів Френкен Steve Franken | ... | Dr. Peter Mitchell (segment 'The House') | 148. | |
Энджел Томпкинс Angel Tompkins | ... | Lila Bauman (segment 'Room with a View') | 149. | |
Джек Беннон Jack Bannon | ... | Al (segment 'A Question of Fear') | 150. | |
Michael Baseleon | ... | Tom Robb (segment 'The Dark Boy') | 151. | |
Хенк Брандт Hank Brandt | ... | Kranz (segment 'The Devil Is Not Mocked') | 152. | |
Девід Керрадайн David Carradine | ... | Gideon (segment 'The Phantom Farmhouse') | 153. | |
Имоджен Кока Imogene Coca | ... | Wife (segment 'The Merciful') | 154. | |
Джон Колікос John Colicos | ... | Survivor (segment 'Lone Survivor') | 155. | |
Берт Конви Bert Convy | ... | Harvey Doane (segment 'They're Tearing Down Tim Riley's Bar') | 156. | |
Уолли Кокс Wally Cox | ... | Father (segment 'Junior') | 157. | |
Розмари ДеКамп Rosemary DeCamp | ... | Ellen Chase (segment 'The Painted Mirror') | 158. | |
Джонатан Харріс Jonathan Harris | ... | Prof. Nicholas Porteus (segment 'Since Aunt Ada Came to Stay') | 159. | |
Роберт Хоган Robert Hogan | ... | Jim Emsden (segment 'Brenda') | 160. | |
Lisabeth Hush | ... | Mother (segment 'Silent Snow, Secret Snow') | 161. | |
Беатрис Кэй Beatrice Kay | ... | Mrs. Gibbons (segment 'Cool Air') | 162. | |
Джон Коркс Jon Korkes | ... | Victor Koch (segment 'The Different Ones') | 163. | |
Стів Лоуренс Steve Lawrence | ... | Mark Bennett aka 'Radha Ramadi' (segment 'The Dear Departed') | 164. | |
Дениз Николас Denise Nicholas | ... | Kyro (segment 'Logoda's Heads') | 165. | |
Ричард О’Брайэн Richard O'Brien | ... | Police Sgt. Joe Brice (segment: Keep in Touch - We'll Think of Something) | 166. | |
Джо Перри Joseph V. Perry | ... | Joe Bateman (segment 'Midnight Never Ends') | 167. | |
Тоні Робертс Tony Roberts | ... | Dr. Morris Levine (segment 'The Messiah on Mott Street') | 168. | |
Дженни Салливан Jenny Sullivan | ... | Pat Blessington (segment 'Tell David...') | 169. | |
Джеки Вернон Jackie Vernon | ... | Chatterje (segment 'Make Me Laugh') | 170. | |
Девід Уейн David Wayne | ... | Dr. Mill (segment 'The Diary') | 171. | |
Джон Алдерсон John Alderson | ... | Granger (segment 'Lindemann's Catch') | 172. | |
Герміона Бадделей Hermione Baddeley | ... | Mrs. Gray (segment 'A Feast of Blood') | 173. | |
Майкл Белл Michael Bell | ... | Ernest (segment 'Green Fingers') | 174. | |
Мэрион Чарльз Marion Charles | ... | Miss Walters | 175. | |
Кристофер Коннелли Christopher Connelly | ... | Sam Davis | 176. | |
Чак Коннорс Chuck Connors | ... | Roderick Blanco | 177. | |
Эллен Корби Ellen Corby | ... | Miss Patience | 178. | |
Рэй Дэнтон Ray Danton | ... | Joe Melcor (segment 'The Miracle at Camafeo') | 179. | |
Джим Дэвис Jim Davis | ... | Abe Bennett (segment 'The Waiting Room') | 180. | |
Роджер Дэвис Roger Davis | ... | George Beaumont (segment 'You Can Come Up Now, Mrs. Millikan') | 181. | |
Донна Дуглас Donna Douglas | ... | Mildred McVane (segment 'Last Rites for a Dead Druid') | 182. | |
Майкл Данн Michael Dunn | ... | The Servant (segment 'The Sins of the Fathers') | 183. | |
Пегги Фьюри Peggy Feury | ... | Estelle Meredith | 184. | |
Кэтрин Хэйс Kathryn Hays | ... | June | 185. | |
Харві Джейсон Harvey Jason | ... | Morrow (segment 'The Funeral') | 186. | |
Даррел Ларсон Darrell Larson | ... | Elie Green (segment 'There Aren't Any More MacBanes') | 187. | |
Мевис Нил Палмер Mavis Neal Palmer | ... | Mrs. Ducker (segment 'The Ghost of Sorworth Place') | 188. | |
Джеймс Нуссер James Nusser | ... | Dan (segment 'The Tune in Dan's Cafe') | 189. | |
Ренді Квейд Randy Quaid | ... | John (segment 'The Late Mr. Peddington') | 190. | |
Джон Сексон John Saxon | ... | Ianto (segment 'I'll Never Leave You - Ever') | 191. | |
Фэй Спэйн Fay Spain | ... | Molly Mitchell | 192. | |
Питер Уитни Peter Whitney | ... | First Grave Robber (segment 'Deliveries in the Rear') | 193. | |
Лу Антонио Lou Antonio | ... | Jake | 194. | |
Мюррэй Мэтисон Murray Matheson | ... | Dr. Strang | 195. | |
Діна Мерілл Dina Merrill | ... | Ruth Wilson (segment 'Hatred Unto Death') | 196. | |
Родді МакДауелл Roddy McDowall | ... | Jeremy Evans | 197. | |
Майкл Блоджет Michael Blodgett | ... | John Michael Fearing (segment 'The Dead Man') | 198. | |
Луис Хейуорд Louis Hayward | ... | Dr. Stephen Brigham (segment 'Certain Shadows on the Wall') | 199. | |
Морин Артур Maureen Arthur | ... | Angela Casey (segment 'The Dear Departed') | 200. | |
Барбара Бебкок Barbara Babcock | ... | Flora Alden (segment 'Brenda') | 201. | |
Ларри Дж. Блейк Larry J. Blake | ... | Charles Crowley (segment 'Cool Air') | 202. | |
Иван Бонар Ivan Bonar | ... | Fred (segment 'A Question of Fear') | 203. | |
Кинг Донован King Donovan | ... | Husband (segment 'The Merciful') | 204. | |
Роберт Карнс Robert Karnes | ... | Sheriff Lewis (segment 'Midnight Never Ends') | 205. | |
Мартин Кослек Martin Kosleck | ... | Hugo (segment 'The Devil Is Not Mocked') | 206. | |
Сью Лайон Sue Lyon | ... | Betsy (segment 'Miss Lovecraft Sent Me') | 207. | |
Тім Метісон Tim Matheson | ... | Henley (segment 'Logoda's Heads') | 208. | |
Дэйв Морик Dave Morick | ... | Officer Hruska (segment: Keep in Touch - We'll Think of Something) | 209. | |
Роберт Морс Robert Morse | ... | Roger Blacker (segment 'Marmalade Wine') | 210. | |
Милтон Парсонс Milton Parsons | ... | Old Lamplighter (segment 'Camera Obscura') | 211. | |
Radames Pera | ... | Paul (segment 'Silent Snow, Secret Snow') | 212. | |
Джон Рендольф John Randolph | ... | H.E. Pritkin (segment 'They're Tearing Down Tim Riley's Bar') | 213. | |
Сізар Ромеро Cesar Romero | ... | Count Dracula (segment 'A Matter of Semantics') | 214. | |
Дэннис Ракер Dennis Rucker | ... | Boreon Man (segment 'The Different Ones') | 215. | |
Джозеф Рускін Joseph Ruskin | ... | Fanatic (segment 'The Messiah on Mott Street') | 216. | |
Джан Шутан Jan Shutan | ... | Jane Blessington (segment 'Tell David...') | 217. | |
Хоуп Саммерс Hope Summers | ... | Lettie Moore (segment 'The Dark Boy') | 218. | |
Торін Тетчер Torin Thatcher | ... | Captain of the Lusitania (segment 'Lone Survivor') | 219. | |
Форрест Такер Forrest Tucker | ... | Dr. Ernest Stringfellow (segment 'Dr. Stringfellow's Rejuvenator') | 220. | |
Лекс Баркер Lex Barker | ... | Charlie McKinley (segment 'The Waiting Room') | 221. | |
Ли Кристиан Leigh Christian | ... | Miss Ransom | 222. | |
Джек Коллинз Jack Collins | ... | Potter | 223. | |
Джеймс Дэвидсон James Davidson | ... | Roy Gleason (segment 'The Tune in Dan's Cafe') | 224. | |
Дэвид Фреско David Fresco | ... | Blockman | 225. | |
Нед Глесс Ned Glass | ... | Mr. Bernstein (segment 'Last Rites for a Dead Druid') | 226. | |
Том Хелмор Tom Helmore | ... | John Warwick (segment 'The Caterpillar') | 227. | |
Гарри Хикокс Harry Hickox | ... | Sheriff (segment 'Green Fingers') | 228. | |
Бэрри Хиггинс Barry Higgins | ... | Mickey Standish (segment 'There Aren't Any More MacBanes') | 229. | |
Берн Хоффман Bern Hoffman | ... | Reverend | 230. | |
John Lasell | ... | Colonel Hawes (segment 'Little Girl Lost') | 231. | |
Клоріс Лічмен Cloris Leachman | ... | Mrs. Fulton (segment 'You Can't Get Help Like That Anymore') | 232. | |
Майкл Лернер Michael Lerner | ... | Dr. Burgess (segment 'You Can Come Up Now, Mrs. Millikan') | 233. | |
Чарльз Макколей Charles Macaulay | ... | The Count (segment 'The Funeral') | 234. | |
Ларри Д. Манн Larry D. Mann | ... | Hannify (segment 'Deliveries in the Rear') | 235. | |
Ральф Манза Ralph Manza | ... | Max | 236. | |
Пэт О’Хара Pat O'Hara | ... | Frankie (segment 'A Feast of Blood') | 237. | |
Патрик О’Мур Patrick O'Moore | ... | Mr. MacLeod (segment 'The Ghost of Sorworth Place') | 238. | |
Расселл Торсон Russell Thorson | ... | Dr. Coolidge | 239. | |
Кеннет Тобі Kenneth Tobey | ... | Warden | 240. | |
Гарри Таунс Harry Townes | ... | Abner Suggs (segment 'Lindemann's Catch') | 241. | |
Ричард Юнигез Richard Yniguez | ... | Priest (segment 'The Miracle at Camafeo') | 242. | |
Брук Банди Brooke Bundy | ... | Phyllis | 243. | |
Пол Дженкинс Paul Jenkins | ... | Joe Wilson | 244. | |
Фернандо Ламас Fernando Lamas | ... | Dr. Ramirez (segment 'Hatred Unto Death') | 245. | |
Ларрі Хегмен Larry Hagman | ... | Cedric Acton (segment 'The Housekeeper') | 246. | |
Чилл Уиллс Chill Wills | ... | Heppelwhite (segment 'The Little Black Bag') | 247. | |
Джек Кэссиди Jack Cassidy | ... | Marius Davis (segment 'The Last Laurel') | 248. | |
Оуэн Каннингэм Owen Cunningham | ... | Waiter (segment 'A Question of Fear') | 249. | |
Тед Фолкс Ted Foulkes | ... | Fourth Grader (segment 'The Dark Boy') | 250. | |
Gino Gottarelli | ... | Radio Man (segment 'The Devil Is Not Mocked') | 251. | |
Мюррей Хемілтон Murray Hamilton | ... | Snyder (segment 'Dr. Stringfellow's Rejuvenator') | 252. | |
Харві Лембек Harvey Lembeck | ... | Joe Casey (segment 'The Dear Departed') | 253. | |
Карл Лукас Karl Lukas | ... | Iceman (segment 'Cool Air') | 254. | |
Джордж Махарис George Maharis | ... | Peter Lacland (segment 'The Hand of Borgus Weems') | 255. | |
Хедли Маттингли Hedley Mattingly | ... | Doctor on the Lusitania (segment 'Lone Survivor') | 256. | |
Э.Дж. Пикер E.J. Peaker | ... | Nurse (segment 'A Matter of Semantics') | 257. | |
Рики Пауэлл Ricky Powell | ... | Mikey Goldman (segment 'The Messiah on Mott Street') | 258. | |
Форд Рейни Ford Rainey | ... | The Sheriff (segment 'The Phantom Farmhouse') | 259. | |
Франсуаза Ружиери Françoise Ruggieri | ... | Yvonne (segment 'Tell David...') | 260. | |
Сью Тейлор Sue Taylor | ... | Elizabeth Emsden (segment 'Brenda') | 261. | |
Пол Тринка Paul Trinka | ... | Motorcycle Policeman (segment: Keep in Touch - We'll Think of Something) | 262. | |
Том Трауп Tom Troupe | ... | Jeffrey Pierce (segment 'Clean Kills and Other Trophies') | 263. | |
Руди Вэлли Rudy Vallee | ... | Dr. Francis Deeking (segment 'Marmalade Wine') | 264. | |
Адам Вест Adam West | ... | Mr. Hyde (segment 'With Apologies to Mr. Hyde') | 265. | |
Бэрри Бернард Barry Bernard | ... | Gippo (segment 'A Feast of Blood') | 266. | |
Janya Braunt | ... | Marta (segment 'Last Rites for a Dead Druid') | 267. | |
Уолтер Бурк Walter Burke | ... | Jamie (segment 'Deliveries in the Rear') | 268. | |
Дорт Кларк Dort Clark | ... | Prisoner | 269. | |
Регис Кордик Regis Cordic | ... | Doctor | 270. | |
Бродерик Кроуфорд Broderick Crawford | ... | Joseph Fulton (segment 'You Can't Get Help Like That Anymore') | 271. | |
Ева Кертис Eva Curtis | ... | Miss Caraway | 272. | |
Бадді Ебсен Buddy Ebsen | ... | Doc Soames (segment 'The Waiting Room') | 273. | |
Марк Гемілл Mark Hamill | ... | Francis, Messenger Boy (segment 'There Aren't Any More MacBanes') | 274. | |
Родольфо Ойос мл. Rodolfo Hoyos Jr. | ... | Bartender (segment 'The Miracle at Camafeo') | 275. | |
Дон Кифер Don Keefer | ... | Dr. Coolidge (segment 'You Can Come Up Now, Mrs. Millikan') | 276. | |
Дон Найт Don Knight | ... | Tommy Robinson (segment 'The Caterpillar') | 277. | |
Брук Миллс Brooke Mills | ... | Red (segment 'The Tune in Dan's Cafe') | 278. | |
Кип Нивен Kip Niven | ... | Harry Krell | 279. | |
Джон Д. Шофілд John D. Schofield | ... | Alistair Loring (segment 'The Ghost of Sorworth Place') | 280. | |
Элизабет Томпсон Elizabeth Thompson | ... | Miss Flannagan | 281. | |
Джордж Бэрроус George Barrows | ... | N'Gi (segment 'Hatred Unto Death') | 282. | |
Жан Дюран Jean Durand | ... | Andrew, Alex's manservant | 283. | |
Джон МакМартри John McMurtry | ... | Jamie Dillman | 284. | |
Роберт Прэтт Robert Pratt | ... | Ron | 285. | |
Джордж Ферт George Furth | ... | Gillings (segment 'The Little Black Bag') | 286. | |
Грэйсон Холл Grayson Hall | ... | Ann Brigham (segment 'Certain Shadows on the Wall') | 287. | |
Сьюзи Паркер Suzy Parker | ... | Carlotta Acton | 288. | |
Мартін Бесвік Martine Beswick | ... | Susan Davis (segment 'The Last Laurel') | 289. | |
Бэрри Браун Barry Brown | ... | Archie Dittman Jr. (segment 'Clean Kills and Other Trophies') | 290. | |
Джон Керредін John Carradine | ... | Mr. Hawkins (segment 'Big Surprise') | 291. | |
Зара Калли Zara Cully | ... | Emba (segment 'Logoda's Heads') | 292. | |
Марк Де Фриз Mark de Vries | ... | Machine Gunner (segment 'The Devil Is Not Mocked') | 293. | |
Брендон Де Уайлд Brandon De Wilde | ... | Johnson (segment 'Class of '99') | 294. | |
Памелин Фердин Pamelyn Ferdin | ... | Frances Anne Emsden (segment 'Brenda') | 295. | |
Мэри Грегори Mary Gregory | ... | Second Phone Operator (segment 'The Different Ones') | 296. | |
Арт Джонсон Arte Johnson | ... | J.J. Wilson (segment 'The Flip Side of Satan') | 297. | |
Филип Кеннелли Philip Kenneally | ... | Sanderson - Driver (segment 'Camera Obscura') | 298. | |
Steven Lorange | ... | Edward Robb (segment 'The Dark Boy') | 299. | |
Рей Мілланд Ray Milland | ... | Dr. Archibald Ravadon (segment 'The Hand of Borgus Weems') | 300. | |
Дональд Моффет Donald Moffat | ... | Uncle George (segment 'Pickman's Model') | 301. | |
Трина Паркс Trina Parks | ... | Betty (segment 'The Phantom Farmhouse') | 302. | |
Энн Рэндал Anne Randall | ... | Julie (segment 'Tell David...') | 303. | |
Mike Robelo | ... | Alfred--Chauffeur (segment: Keep in Touch - We'll Think of Something) | 304. | |
Фрэнсис Спэниэр Frances Spanier | ... | Miss Buell (segment 'Silent Snow, Secret Snow') | 305. | |
Шейні Уолліс Shani Wallis | ... | Miss Danton (segment 'The Doll') | 306. | |
Эд Бэйки Ed Bakey | ... | Ollie (segment 'Lindemann's Catch') | 307. | |
Питер Брокко Peter Brocco | ... | Dr. Shockman (segment 'Deliveries in the Rear') | 308. | |
Кара Бёрджесс Cara Burgess | ... | Girl (segment 'A Feast of Blood') | 309. | |
Чі-Ту Кумбука Ji-Tu Cumbuka | ... | Big Dan Anger | 310. | |
Шері Френклін Cherie Franklin | ... | Miss Blodgett | 311. | |
Маргарита Гарсия Margarita García | ... | Woman (segment 'The Miracle at Camafeo') | 312. | |
John Gilgreen | ... | Infirmary Guard | 313. | |
Лаара Лэйси Laara Lacey | ... | Jenny the Witch (segment 'The Funeral') | 314. | |
Пол Микейл Paul Micale | ... | Waiter | 315. | |
Маргарет Мьюз Margaret Muse | ... | Dr. Steinhem (segment 'You Can Come Up Now, Mrs. Millikan') | 316. | |
Брюс Пауэрс Bruce Powers | ... | Man on the Street | 317. | |
Майкл Ричардсон Michael Richardson | ... | Andy | 318. | |
Гилберт Роланд Gilbert Roland | ... | The Bartender (segment 'The Waiting Room') | 319. | |
Винсент Ван Линн Vincent Van Lynn | ... | Manservant (segment 'There Aren't Any More MacBanes') | 320. | |
Лана Вуд Lana Wood | ... | Maid (segment 'You Can't Get Help Like That Anymore') | 321. | |
Виктор Сен Юнг Victor Sen Yung | ... | Joseph the Butler | 322. | |
Генри Брэндон Henry Brandon | ... | Vereker | 323. | |
Каро Кеньятта Caro Kenyatta | ... | 1st Native (segment 'Hatred Unto Death') | 324. | |
Барбара Роудс Barbara Rhoades | ... | Julie | 325. | |
Джордж Макреди George Macready | ... | William Hendricks | 326. | |
Рейчел Робертс Rachel Roberts | ... | Rebecca Brigham (segment 'Certain Shadows on the Wall') | 327. | |
Генрі Бекман Henry Beckman | ... | The Policeman (segment 'They're Tearing Down Tim Riley's Bar') | 328. | |
Пет Бун Pat Boone | ... | Holston (segment 'The Academy') | 329. | |
Патти Кохун-Фридман Patti Cohoon-Friedman | ... | Dierdre (segment 'Silent Snow, Secret Snow') | 330. | |
Бернард Фокс Bernard Fox | ... | Mr. Canby-Ghost (segment 'House - With Ghost') | 331. | |
Херб Джефферсон мл. Herb Jefferson Jr. | ... | Tom Mboya (segment 'Clean Kills and Other Trophies') | 332. | |
Джок Ливингстон Jock Livingston | ... | Larry Rand (segment 'Pickman's Model') | 333. | |
Chris Patrick | ... | David Bolt (segment 'Tell David...') | 334. | |
Элдон Куик Eldon Quick | ... | Frank Heller (segment 'Since Aunt Ada Came to Stay') | 335. | |
Карл Райнер Carl Reiner | ... | Professor Peabody (segment 'Professor Peabody's Last Lecture') | 336. | |
Энн Тейлор Anne Taylor | ... | Miss Moretti (segment 'The Messiah on Mott Street') | 337. | |
Ralph Adano | ... | Tony | 338. | |
Джеймс Бэйкон James Bacon | ... | 2nd Reporter | 339. | |
Еллен Блейк Ellen Blake | ... | Evil Woman (segment 'There Aren't Any More MacBanes') | 340. | |
Лью Браун Lew Brown | ... | Detective Stacey (segment 'You Can Come Up Now, Mrs. Millikan') | 341. | |
Джефф Бертон Jeff Burton | ... | Second Deputy (segment 'Green Fingers') | 342. | |
Сирил Делеванти Cyril Delevanti | ... | The Old Man (segment 'The Sins of the Fathers') | 343. | |
Леонидас Осетинский Leonidas Ossetynski | ... | 2nd Male Vampire (segment 'The Funeral') | 344. | |
Джералд Питерс Gerald Peters | ... | Chauffeur (segment 'A Feast of Blood') | 345. | |
Гленна Сарджент Glenna Sergent | ... | 2nd Goblin | 346. | |
Томас Тружильо Tomas Trujillo | ... | Blind Boy (segment 'The Miracle at Camafeo') | 347. | |
Адам Уид Adam Weed | ... | Sonny | 348. | |
Йєн Вульф Ian Wolfe | ... | Dillingham (segment 'Deliveries in the Rear') | 349. | |
Эд Ру Ed Rue | ... | 2nd Native (segment 'Hatred Unto Death') | 350. | |
Арти Спэйн Artie Spain | ... | Coastguardsman | 351. | |
Сэм Джаффе Sam Jaffe | ... | Bleum | 352. | |
Жан Баррелл Jan Burrell | ... | Nurse (segment 'The House') | 353. | |
Гленн Диксон Glenn Dixon | ... | Minister (segment 'The Dead Man') | 354. | |
Морган Фарли Morgan Farley | ... | Charles (segment 'Room with a View') | 355. | |
Дэвид Эстор David Astor | ... | Blodgett (segment 'They're Tearing Down Tim Riley's Bar') | 356. | |
Гэйл Бонни Gail Bonney | ... | Mrs. Squire (segment 'The Phantom Farmhouse') | 357. | |
Джошуа Брайант Joshua Bryant | ... | Eliot Blackman (segment 'Pickman's Model') | 358. | |
Ерік Крістмас Eric Christmas | ... | Mr. Chichester (segment 'House - With Ghost') | 359. | |
Берні Копелл Bernie Kopell | ... | Reed (segment 'The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes') | 360. | |
Аль Льюіс Al Lewis | ... | Mishkin (segment 'Make Me Laugh') | 361. | |
Том Педи Tom Pedi | ... | Mr. Boucher (segment 'A Fear of Spiders') | 362. | |
Ноам Питлик Noam Pitlik | ... | Driver (segment 'Death in the Family') | 363. | |
Чарльз Сил Charles Seel | ... | Cemetery Caretaker (segment 'Since Aunt Ada Came to Stay') | 364. | |
Генрі Сільва Henry Silva | ... | Pandit Chola (segment 'The Doll') | 365. | |
Robert Yuro | ... | Jeb Harlan (segment 'The Diary') | 366. | |
Марджори Беннетт Marjorie Bennett | ... | Mrs. Woods (segment 'Deliveries in the Rear') | 367. | |
Диана Хейл Diana Hale | ... | Female Vampire (segment 'The Funeral') | 368. | |
Джордж Кеймас George Keymas | ... | Crowley (segment 'Green Fingers') | 369. | |
Рэймонд Майо Raymond Mayo | ... | Prisoner | 370. | |
Майкл Стэнвуд Michael Stanwood | ... | Charlie (segment 'Lindemann's Catch') | 371. | |
Фрэнки Ван Frankie Van | ... | Referee | 372. | |
Дороти Конрад Dorothy Konrad | ... | Customer #33 | 373. | |
Дэвид Тайрон David Tyrone | ... | 3rd Native (segment 'Hatred Unto Death') | 374. | |
Норма Крэйн Norma Crane | ... | Gretchen | 375. | |
Альмира Сешнс Almira Sessions | ... | Old Woman (segment 'The House') | 376. | |
Мартин Аше Martin Ashe | ... | Mr. Squire (segment 'The Phantom Farmhouse') | 377. | |
Сидни Клют Sidney Clute | ... | David Garrick (segment 'Make Me Laugh') | 378. | |
Барбара Фликер Barbara Flicker | ... | Mother (segment 'Junior') | 379. | |
Роберт Геррманн Robert Herrman | ... | Tim Riley (segment 'They're Tearing Down Tim Riley's Bar') | 380. | |
Джеймс МакКэллион James McCallion | ... | George (segment 'The Diary') | 381. | |
Альма Платт Alma Platt | ... | Housekeeper (segment 'Since Aunt Ada Came to Stay') | 382. | |
Джоан Томпкинс Joan Tompkins | ... | Mrs. DeWitt (segment 'Pickman's Model') | 383. | |
Эллен Уэстон Ellen Weston | ... | Dr. Peterson (segment 'The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes') | 384. | |
Чезаре Данова Cesare Danova | ... | Man (segment 'Smile, Please') | 385. | |
Аннабелль Гарт Annabelle Garth | ... | Mermaid (segment 'Lindemann's Catch') | 386. | |
Джон Мэддисон John Maddison | ... | Second Grave Robber (segment 'Deliveries in the Rear') | 387. | |
Майкл Мастерс Michael Masters | ... | Guard | 388. | |
Джерри Саммерс Jerry Summers | ... | Bruce (segment 'The Funeral') | 389. | |
Ричард Дикон Richard Deacon | ... | Man with Mallet (segment 'How to Cure the Common Vampire') | 390. | |
Де Де Янг De De Young | ... | Customer #32 | 391. | |
Э.Дж. Андре E.J. André | ... | Charlie Peterson (segment 'The Little Black Bag') | 392. | |
Ховард Мортон Howard Morton | ... | Headwaiter (segment 'The Housekeeper') | 393. | |
Рэй Баллард Ray Ballard | ... | Mr. Grouch (segment 'The Phantom Farmhouse') | 394. | |
Джон Уильям Эванс John William Evans | ... | 2nd Trooper (segment 'Death in the Family') | 395. | |
Уильям Хансен William Hansen | ... | Mr. Godwin (segment 'The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes') | 396. | |
Триша Ноубл Trisha Noble | ... | Sherry (segment 'House - With Ghost') | 397. | |
Джин О’Доннелл Gene O'Donnell | ... | Bartender (segment 'They're Tearing Down Tim Riley's Bar') | 398. | |
Билл Свано Bill Svanoe | ... | Junior (segment 'Junior') | 399. | |
Арнольд Ф. Тернер Arnold F. Turner | ... | Messenger Boy (segment 'Since Aunt Ada Came to Stay') | 400. | |
Джералд МакРейні Gerald McRaney | ... | Tuttle (segment 'Deliveries in the Rear') | 401. | |
Джонни Браун Johnny Brown | ... | Man with Stake (segment 'How to Cure the Common Vampire') | 402. | |
Джордж Мердок George Murdock | ... | 1st Agent | 403. | |
Фрэнк Арнольд Frank Arnold | ... | Shepherd (segment 'The Phantom Farmhouse') | 404. | |
Уильям Бекли William Beckley | ... | Richards - Lusitania (segment 'Lone Survivor') | 405. | |
Floy Dean | ... | Receptionist (segment 'The Diary') | 406. | |
Фред Даунс Frederic Downs | ... | Father (segment 'They're Tearing Down Tim Riley's Bar') | 407. | |
Уильям Эллиотт William Elliott | ... | 3rd Trooper (segment 'Death in the Family') | 408. | |
Джорни Лэйрд Journey Laird | ... | Intended Victim (segment 'A Midnight Visit') | 409. | |
Ларрі Лінвілл Larry Linville | ... | Sloane (segment 'The Academy') | 410. | |
Gene Tyburn | ... | Floor Director (segment 'The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes') | 411. | |
Барбара Стіл Barbara Steele | ... | The Widow Craighill (segment 'The Sins of the Fathers') | 412. | |
Том Башам Tom Basham | ... | Gibbons | 413. | |
Юнис Суарез Eunice Suarez | ... | Puerto Rican Mother (segment 'The Little Black Bag') | 414. | |
Эд Колл Ed Call | ... | Drill Instructor (segment 'The Academy') | 415. | |
Диана Чесни Diana Chesney | ... | Maid (segment 'The Diary') | 416. | |
Дон Педро Колли Don Pedro Colley | ... | Rolpho (segment 'Dr. Stringfellow's Rejuvenator') | 417. | |
Роуз Хобарт Rose Hobart | ... | Mrs. Hugo (segment 'The Dear Departed') | 418. | |
Ренс Ховард Rance Howard | ... | Cameraman (segment 'The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes') | 419. | |
Джон С. Рэйджин John S. Ragin | ... | 1st Policeman (segment 'They're Tearing Down Tim Riley's Bar') | 420. | |
Тони Рассел Tony Russel | ... | Director (segment 'Make Me Laugh') | 421. | |
Бад Уоллс Bud Walls | ... | Grave Digger (segment 'Death in the Family') | 422. | |
Генрі Джонс Henry Jones | ... | Malcolm Hample (segment 'You Can't Get Help Like That Anymore') | 423. | |
Байрон Морроу Byron Morrow | ... | George J. Packer | 424. | |
Мэрион Вэл Marion Val | ... | Puerto Rican Girl (segment 'The Little Black Bag') | 425. | |
Стив Карлсон Steve Carlson | ... | Policeman (segment 'The Dear Departed') | 426. | |
Эдвард Колманс Edward Colmans | ... | Captain - Andrea Dorea (segment 'Lone Survivor') | 427. | |
Мони Эллис Monie Ellis | ... | Candy-Striper (segment 'A Matter of Semantics') | 428. | |
Дэвид М. Фрэнк David M. Frank | ... | Intern (segment 'They're Tearing Down Tim Riley's Bar') | 429. | |
Лу Фриззелл Lou Frizzell | ... | Man (segment 'Dr. Stringfellow's Rejuvenator') | 430. | |
Сонни Клейн Sonny Klein | ... | 1st Bartender (segment 'Make Me Laugh') | 431. | |
Рендольф Ментут Randolph Mantooth | ... | Elkins (segment 'Class of '99') | 432. | |
Rosary Nix | ... | Secretary (segment 'The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes') | 433. | |
Северн Дарден Severn Darden | ... | Dr. Kessler (segment 'You Can't Get Help Like That Anymore') | 434. | |
Гэрри Гудроу Garry Goodrow | ... | Louis | 435. | |
Джонні Сільвер Johnny Silver | ... | Pawnbroker (segment 'The Little Black Bag') | 436. | |
Джон Дональд John Donald | ... | Grip (segment 'The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes') | 437. | |
Теодор Дж. Фликер Theodore J. Flicker | ... | Devil (segment 'Hell's Bells') | 438. | |
Роберт Гиббонс Robert Gibbons | ... | Gatekeeper Simmons (segment 'The Academy') | 439. | |
Дидри Холл Deidre Hall | ... | Blonde (segment 'An Act of Chivalry') | 440. | |
Майкл Харт Michele Hart | ... | Miss Wilson (segment 'Make Me Laugh') | 441. | |
Фрэнк Хотчкисс Frank Hotchkiss | ... | Clinton (segment 'Class of '99') | 442. | |
Пьер Жальбер Pierre Jalbert | ... | Officer of Watch - Andrea Dorea (segment 'Lone Survivor') | 443. | |
Винсент Ван Паттен Vincent Van Patten | ... | Chris (segment 'Big Surprise') | 444. | |
Памела Сьюзан Шуп Pamela Susan Shoop | ... | Mrs. Foster (segment 'You Can't Get Help Like That Anymore') | 445. | |
Шеннон Фэрнон Shannon Farnon | ... | 1st Nurse | 446. | |
С. Линдсэй Уоркмэн C. Lindsay Workman | ... | 1st Doctor (segment 'The Little Black Bag') | 447. | |
Джоди Гилберт Jody Gilbert | ... | Fat Lady (segment 'Hell's Bells') | 448. | |
Хилли Хикс Hilly Hicks | ... | Barnes (segment 'Class of '99') | 449. | |
Мэри Гэйл Хоббс Mary Gail Hobbs | ... | Miss Trevor (segment 'They're Tearing Down Tim Riley's Bar') | 450. | |
Джоан Хантингтон Joan Huntington | ... | Susan Douglas (segment 'The Hand of Borgus Weems') | 451. | |
Карл Миллетэр Carl Milletaire | ... | Quartermaster - Andrea Dorea (segment 'Lone Survivor') | 452. | |
Джорджия Шмидт Georgia Schmidt | ... | Flower Lady (segment 'Make Me Laugh') | 453. | |
И.А. Сирианни E.A. Sirianni | ... | George, Holston's Chauffeur (segment 'The Academy') | 454. | |
Рон Стейн Ron Stein | ... | Spectre (segment 'An Act of Chivalry') | 455. | |
Марк Ваанян Marc Vahanian | ... | Jason (segment 'Big Surprise') | 456. | |
Кристофер Ло Christopher Law | ... | Mr. Foster (segment 'You Can't Get Help Like That Anymore') | 457. | |
Ричард Хейл Richard Hale | ... | Doctor | 458. | |
Ceil Cabot | ... | Mrs. Tourist (segment 'Hell's Bells') | 459. | |
Эрик Чейз Eric Chase | ... | Dan (segment 'Big Surprise') | 460. | |
Сюзанн Кохейн Suzanne Cohane | ... | Joanne Fields (segment 'Class of '99') | 461. | |
Джимми Кросс Jimmy Cross | ... | Passenger (segment 'An Act of Chivalry') | 462. | |
Джон Грубер John Gruber | ... | Cadet (segment 'The Academy') | 463. | |
Марджи Холл Margie Hall | ... | Switchboard Operator (segment 'They're Tearing Down Tim Riley's Bar') | 464. | |
Sid Rushakoff | ... | 1st Laugher (segment 'Make Me Laugh') | 465. | |
Тан Вьенн Than Wyenn | ... | Indian (segment 'The Doll') | 466. | |
Алиша Бревард Aleshia Brevard | ... | Receptionist (segment 'You Can't Get Help Like That Anymore') | 467. | |
Роберт Терри Robert Terry | ... | Dr. Nodella (segment 'The Little Black Bag') | 468. | |
Джевел Бленч Jewel Blanch | ... | Monica (segment 'The Doll') | 469. | |
Джонни Коллинз III Johnnie Collins III | ... | Mr. Lovecraft (segment 'Professor Peabody's Last Lecture') | 470. | |
Питер Мамакос Peter Mamakos | ... | Nico Kazanzakis (segment 'The Hand of Borgus Weems') | 471. | |
Барбара Шеннон Barbara Shannon | ... | Miss Peterson (segment 'Class of '99') | 472. | |
Роберта Брем Roberta Brehm | ... | Damaged Maid (segment 'You Can't Get Help Like That Anymore') | 473. | |
Ральф Муди Ralph Moody | ... | Jake (segment 'The Little Black Bag') | 474. | |
Ричард Аннис Richard Annis | ... | Mr. Bloch (segment 'Professor Peabody's Last Lecture') | 475. | |
Річард Дойл Richard Doyle | ... | Bruce (segment 'Class of '99') | 476. | |
Роберт Ф. Хой Bob Hoy | ... | Everett Winterreich (segment 'The Hand of Borgus Weems') | 477. | |
Хэнк Уорден Hank Worden | ... | The Bore (segment 'Hell's Bells') | 478. | |
Уильям Чэлли William Challee | ... | 2nd Old Man (segment 'The Little Black Bag') | 479. | |
Мартин Э. Брукс Martin E. Brooks | ... | Doctor Armstrong (segment 'The Last Laurel') | 480. | |
Мэри Луиз Лосон Louise Lawson | ... | Miss Heald (segment 'Professor Peabody's Last Lecture') | 481. | |
Уильям Мимс William Mims | ... | Brock Ramsey (segment 'The Hand of Borgus Weems') | 482. | |
Хантер Фон Лір Hunter von Leer | ... | Templeton (segment 'Class of '99') | 483. | |
Ричард Ван Влит Richard Van Vleet | ... | Commander Perkins (segment 'The Nature of the Enemy') | 484. | |
Мэри Энн Бек Mary Ann Beck | ... | Beautiful Prisoner (segment ' Phantom of What Opera?') | 485. | |
Джон Дейви John Davey | ... | McWhirter (segment 'Class of '99') | 486. | |
Ленор Касдорф Lenore Kasdorf | ... | Miss Wheeton (segment 'Class of '99') | 487. | |
Джерри Стриклер Jerry Strickler | ... | Man (segment 'The Nature of the Enemy') | 488. | |
Рут Бацци Ruth Buzzi | ... | Hungry Witch (segment 'Witches' Feast') | 489. | |
Луис Де Банзи Lois De Banzie | ... | Cheryl Cunning | 490. | |
Эллисон МакКэй Allison McKay | ... | Fourth Witch (segment 'Witches' Feast') | 491. | |
Фран Райан Fran Ryan | ... | Third Witch (segment 'Witches' Feast') | 492. | |
Памела Франклин Pamela Franklin | ... | Bonnie | 493. | |
Майкл Уитни Michael Witney | ... | 494. | ||
Уилл Гир Will Geer | ... | Walt Peckinpah | 495. | |
Ли Дж. Ламберт Lee J. Lambert | ... | Alien | 496. | |
Слім Пікенс Slim Pickens | ... | Sheriff Ned Harlow | 497. | |
Рико Аланис Rico Alaniz | ... | Bartender, немає в титрах | 498. | |
Бен Фроммер Ben Frommer | ... | Museum Patron, немає в титрах | 499. | |
Брюс Кірбі Bruce Kirby | ... | Artist, немає в титрах | 500. | |
Роби Лестер Robie Lester | ... | Singer in Fishing Painting, немає в титрах | 501. | |
Майк Морелли Mike Morelli | ... | Museum Patron, немає в титрах | 502. | |
Дэниэл Нуньес Daniel Nunez | ... | Bar Patron, немає в титрах | 503. | |
Бобби Гилберт Bobby Gilbert | ... | Waiter (segment 'The Housekeeper'), немає в титрах | 504. | |
Джозеф Ла Кава Joseph La Cava | ... | Waiter (segment 'The Housekeeper'), немає в титрах | 505. | |
Ричард ЛаМарр Richard LaMarr | ... | Minor Role, немає в титрах | 506. | |
Джудит Лоури Judith Lowry | ... | Last Housekeeper (segment 'The Housekeeper'), немає в титрах | 507. | |
Джери Бергер Geri Berger | ... | Daughter, немає в титрах | 508. | |
Мел Бланк Mel Blanc | ... | Raven (segment 'Quoth the Raven'), немає в титрах | 509. | |
Фред Карсон Fred Carson | ... | Creature (segment 'Brenda'), немає в титрах | 510. | |
Джеймс Доутон James Daughton | ... | Student, немає в титрах | 511. | |
Пол Голден Paul Golden | ... | Apparition, немає в титрах | 512. | |
Уильям Х. О’Брайэн William H. O'Brien | ... | Simon Cottner (Segment 'A Death in the Family), немає в титрах | 513. | |
Сун-Тек Ох Oh Soon-tek | ... | Chang, немає в титрах | 514. | |
Роберт Прохаска Robert Prohaska | ... | Ghoul, немає в титрах | 515. | |
Джон Рэйнер John Rayner | ... | Observer, немає в титрах | 516. | |
Дэниэл Шелби Daniel Selby | ... | Johnny, немає в титрах | 517. | |
Феликс Силла Felix Silla | ... | Baby New Year (segment 'The Diary'), немає в титрах | 518. | |
Нельсон Д. Куэвас Nelson D. Cuevas | ... | Waiter (segment 'Little Girl Lost'), немає в титрах | 519. | |
Рон Тронкатти Ron Troncatty | ... | Reporter, немає в титрах | 520. | |
Сенді Уорд Sandy Ward | ... | Irate Man (segment 'Little Girl Lost'), немає в титрах | 521. |