Фільмографія Вирджиния Кристин
Фільмографія: Актор
Різанина в кіно: Божевілля з монстрами (2007) Cinemassacre's Monster Madness Princess Ananka |
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Скубі і Скреппі (1979) Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo дополнительные голоса |
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Woman of the Year (1976) Alma |
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The Old Man Who Cried Wolf (1970) Miss Cummings |
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Nanny and the Professor (1970) Mrs. Wilson |
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Daughter of the Mind (1969) Helga |
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Привіт герою (1969) Hail, Hero! Eleanor Murchiston |
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Лансьє (1968) Lancer Hannah Sickles |
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In Enemy Country (1968) Frau Gulden |
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Вгадай, хто прийде до обіду? (1967) Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Hilary St. George |
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Залізна сторона (1967) Ironside Mrs. Hawkins |
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Захисник Джадд (1967) Judd for the Defense Alice Lindsay |
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Загарбники (1967) The Invaders Mrs. Thorne |
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Jericho (1966) |
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Малюк Біллі проти Дракули (1966) Billy the Kid vs. Dracula Eva Oster |
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Життя на всю котушку (1965) A Rage to Live Emma |
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ФБР (1965) The F.B.I. Eugenia Sayres |
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Ларедо (1965) Laredo Agnes Halsey |
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Велика долина (1965) The Big Valley Margaret Coleman |
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Деніел Бун (1964) Daniel Boone Martha |
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Вбивці (1964) The Killers Miss Watson |
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One Man's Way (1964) Anna Peale |
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Приз (1963) The Prize Mrs. Bergh |
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Четверо з Техасу (1963) 4 for Texas Brunhilde |
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Містер Новак (1963) Mr. Novak Mrs. Payne |
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Утікач (1963) The Fugitive Alma Mercer |
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Скотопромышленник (1963) Cattle King Ruth Winters |
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Одинадцята година (1962) The Eleventh Hour Mrs. Drury |
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Вірджинці (1962) The Virginian Judith Briscoe |
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Incident in an Alley (1962) Mrs. Connell |
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Нюрнберзький процес (1961) Judgment at Nuremberg Mrs. Halbestadt |
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The New Breed (1961) Annabelle |
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Бен Кейсі (1961) Ben Casey Alice Cabot |
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Target: The Corruptors (1961) Lorraine |
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Хезел (1961) Hazel Mrs. McGuire |
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Асфальтові джунглі (1961) The Asphalt Jungle Miss Brandt |
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Палаюча зірка (1960) Flaming Star Mrs. Phillips, немає в титрах |
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Триллер (1960) Thriller Marge |
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Shotgun Slade (1959) |
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Недоторканні (1959) The Untouchables Dora Mizo |
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Сутінкова зона (1959) The Twilight Zone Ethel Bedeker |
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The DuPont Show with June Allyson (1959) Mother |
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Річкова човен (1959) Riverboat Aunt Samantha Dexter |
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Бонанца (1959) Bonanza Martha Hale |
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Депутат (1959) The Deputy Molly Baker |
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Сирицевий батіг (1959) Rawhide Ada Covey |
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Містер Ед (1958) Mister Ed Margaret |
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Сансет — Стріп, 77 (1958) 77 Sunset Strip Greta Haggman |
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Behind Closed Doors (1958) Julie |
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Стрілець (1958) The Rifleman Mrs. Dalrymple |
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Шоу Донни Рід (1958) The Donna Reed Show Margaret Lang |
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Пітер Ганн (1958) Peter Gunn Nancy Davis |
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Розшукується живим або мертвим (1958) Wanted: Dead or Alive Harriet Meecham |
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Казки Ширлі Темпл (1958) Shirley Temple's Storybook Rebecca Baines |
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Target (1958) |
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Кейсі Джонс (1957) Casey Jones Doris Jones |
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Як вийти заміж за мільйонера (1957) How to Marry a Millionaire Alma Fergeson |
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The Restless Gun (1957) Amy Durant |
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Меверік (1957) Maverick Verna Lyme |
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Перрі Мейсон (1957) Perry Mason Beth Sandover |
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Тонкий осіб (1957) The Thin Man Mildred |
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Команда М (1957) M Squad Mrs. Jake Fassard |
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Караван возів (1957) Wagon Train Amanda Santee |
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Безтурботні роки (1957) The Careless Years Mathilda Vernon |
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Джонні Тремейн (1957) Johnny Tremain Mrs. Lapham |
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Дух Сент — Луїса (1957) The Spirit of St. Louis Secretary, немає в титрах |
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Історії Уеллс-Фарго (1957) Tales of Wells Fargo Ovie Swenson |
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Майк Хаммер (1956) Mike Hammer June Earl |
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Three Brave Men (1956) Helen Goldsmith |
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Театр Зейна Грея (1956) Zane Grey Theater Mrs. Julie Hart |
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Нічний кошмар (1956) Nightmare Mrs. Sue Bressard |
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Вбивця на волі (1956) The Killer Is Loose Mary Gillespie |
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Вторгнення викрадачів тіл (1955) Invasion of the Body Snatchers Wilma Lentz |
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З добрим ранком, Давши міс (1955) Good Morning, Miss Dove Mrs. Rigsbee, немає в титрах |
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Ранковий театр (1955) Matinee Theatre Mother |
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Альфред Хічкок представляє (1955) Alfred Hitchcock Presents Model |
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Життя і житіє Уайатта Ерпа (1955) The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp Martha Evans |
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Не як чужий (1955) Not as a Stranger Bruni |
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Павутина (1955) The Cobweb Sally |
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Science Fiction Theatre (1955) Dr. Eleanor Ballard |
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Stage 7 (1955) Secretary |
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Мільйонер (1955) The Millionaire Mrs. Barnett |
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Солдати удачі (1955) Soldiers of Fortune Bonnie |
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Супермен в Скотланд Ярді (1954) Superman in Scotland Yard Mrs. Frank |
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Діснейленд (1954) Disneyland Mrs. Lapham |
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Батько знає краще (1954) Father Knows Best Grace Miller |
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Студія 57 (1954) Studio 57 Jenny Pickett |
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Мережі зла (1954) Dragnet Mrs. Caldwell |
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Лист до Лоретте (1953) Letter to Loretta Bertha Holt |
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Woman They Almost Lynched (1953) Jenny |
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Театр «Дженерал Електрик» (1953) General Electric Theater Head Nurse |
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Персональний секретар (1953) Private Secretary Maud |
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Never Wave at a WAC (1953) |
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The Abbott and Costello Show (1952) Grateful Lady |
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Телевізійний театр Форда (1952) The Ford Television Theatre Mrs. Talbot |
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Театр Чотири Зірки (1952) Four Star Playhouse Clerk |
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Пригоди Супермена (1952) Adventures of Superman Mrs. Frank |
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The Fisher Family (1952) Sophia Szabo |
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Рівно опівдні (1952) High Noon Mrs. Simpson, немає в титрах |
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В перший раз (1952) The First Time Nurse, немає в титрах |
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Chevron Theatre (1952) |
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Небезпечні призначення (1952) Dangerous Assignment Carla Fabri |
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Облава (1951) Dragnet Helen Karsten |
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Загін (1950) Racket Squad |
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Сірано де Бержерак (1950) Cyrano de Bergerac Sister Marthe |
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Велике місто (1950) Big Town |
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Чоловіки (1950) The Men Patient's Wife at Lecture, немає в титрах |
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Самотній рейнджер (1949) The Lone Ranger Cecile Charron |
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Special Agent (1949) Mabel Rumpler |
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Cover Up (1949) Margaret Baker |
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Night Wind (1948) Jean Benson |
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Жінки в ночі (1948) Women in the Night Claire Adams |
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Гангстер (1947) The Gangster Mrs. Mary Karty |
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The Invisible Wall (1947) Mildred Elsworth |
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The Mysterious Mr. Valentine (1946) Lola Carson |
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Убивці (1946) The Killers Lilly Harmon Lubinsky |
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The Inner Circle (1946) Rhoda Roberts |
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Дружина Монте-Крісто (1946) The Wife of Monte Cristo немає в титрах |
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Будинок кошмарів (1946) House of Horrors Lady of the Streets |
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Murder Is My Business (1946) Dora Darnell |
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Idea Girl (1946) Evelina |
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The Scarlet Horseman (1946) Carla Marquette aka Matosca |
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Girls of the Big House (1945) Bernice Meyers |
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Phantom of the Plains (1945) Celeste |
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Контратака (1945) Counter-Attack Tanya, немає в титрах |
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The Old Texas Trail (1944) Queenie Leone |
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Прокляття мумії (1944) The Mummy's Curse Princess Ananka |
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Raiders of Ghost City (1944) Countess Elsa von Merck, alias Trina Dressard |
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Жінки на війні (1943) Women at War Mary Sawyer |
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Війна в Північній Атлантиці (1943) Action in the North Atlantic Pebbles (scenes deleted) |
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Місія в Москву (1943) Mission to Moscow Maria - Beautician, немає в титрах |
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Край темряви (1943) Edge of Darkness Hulda, немає в титрах |
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Truck Busters (1943) Eadie Watkins |
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