Фільмографія Айрис Куинн
Фільмографія: Актриса
Провулок світлячків (2021) Firefly Lane Gran |
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Matchmaker Mysteries: A Fatal Romance (2020) Beth |
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Matchmaker Mysteries (2019) Beth |
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Добрий лікар (2017) The Good Doctor Dr. Donovan |
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На Чесапікських берегах (2016) Chesapeake Shores Mrs. Harville |
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Колиска брехні (2016) Cradle of Lies Rose Davis |
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Легенди завтрашнього дня (2016) DC's Legends of Tomorrow Pam Sharpe |
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Not with His Wife (2015) GIllian |
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The Magic Stocking (2015) Donna |
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My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Friendship Games (2015) Principal Abacus Cinch |
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Супергьорл (2015) Supergirl Dean Warren |
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Доказ (2015) Proof Janice Wilhelmi |
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The Town That Came A-Courtin' (2014) Miss Lizzie Beth «Mama» |
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Шкатулка прокляття (2012) The Possession Doctor |
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Red Riding Hood: The Tale Begins (2011) Grandmother Lucrece |
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Осколки (2010) Shattered Teresa Napier |
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Bond of Silence (2010) Marina |
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Сутінки. Сага. Затемнення (2010) The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Mrs. Biers |
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Гикавка (2010) Hiccups Denise Berger |
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Of Golf and God (2008) Mrs. Mathers |
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Run Rabbit Run (2008) Lisa Clark |
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Home by Christmas (2006) Janet |
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12 годин, щоб жити (2006) 12 Hours to Live Carol Kennedy |
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Люди в деревах (2006) Men in Trees Marjorie |
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Veiled Truth (2006) Evelyn |
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Що ковзає (2006) Slither Mrs. Strutemyer |
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Надприродне (2005) Supernatural Barbara Cordry |
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Перехідний вік (2004) Life As We Know It Diane Bradford |
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4400 (2004) The 4400 Kathy |
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Побачимося (2004) I'll Be Seeing You Catherine Collins |
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Вищий бал (2004) The Perfect Score Kyle's Mother |
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Відчужені (2003) Alienated Dr. Aveeno |
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Розвал (2003) Out of Order Mark's Mom |
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Стрибок у часі (2003) A Wrinkle in Time Camazotz Lady |
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Джон Доу (2002) John Doe Elizabeth Miller |
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Я був підлітком Фаустом (2002) I Was a Teenage Faust Ginger |
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Tom Stone (2002) Roxanne Lytusiak |
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The Telescope (2002) Sarah |
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Близнюки Крамп (2001) The Cramp Twins Tandy |
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Безсмертний (2000) The Immortal Mrs. Anders |
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Дуети (2000) Duets K.C. Hostess |
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Таємничі шляхи (2000) Mysterious Ways Paloma |
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Голлівудський з'їзд (2000) Hollywood Off-Ramp |
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Прісна вода (1999) Sweetwater Nurse #2 |
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Чудеса.сом (1999) So Weird Rachel |
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Майстер Кітон (1998) Master Keaton Marguerite |
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Перша хвиля (1998) First Wave Joanne Patterson |
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Серця у полі (1998) Cuori in campo Claire |
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Спецгрупа (1998) Cold Squad Mrs. Walters |
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Tricks (1997) April |
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Пістолет мерця (1997) Dead Man's Gun Eleanor Huntoon |
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Ронні і Джулі (1997) Ronnie & Julie Trudy |
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Алло (1996) Listen Farley's Sister |
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Часовий (1996) The Sentinel Julie Chaney |
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Екшн мен (1995) Action Man Vira |
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Притулок (1995) Hideaway Jonas' Wife ...У титрах Iris Quinn Bernard |
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Небезпечні наміри (1995) Dangerous Intentions Woman on Porch |
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Whose Child Is This? The War for Baby Jessica (1993) Mrs. Schmidt |
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Медісон (1993) Madison Dr. Burns |
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Disposable () Grandmother |
60. |