Фільмографія Денні Кеога
Фільмографія: Актор, Сценарист
Курорт для нирців на Червоному морі (2019) The Red Sea Diving Resort Mossad General Weiss |
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Браконьєри (2018) Die Stropers |
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Тремтіння землі 6 (2018) Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell Agent Dalkwed |
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Падіння Трої (2018) Troy: Fall of a City Agelaus |
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Кривава гонка (2017) Blood Drive Sheriff Leon |
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Кривава гонка (2017) Blood Drive Sheriff Leon |
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Dora's Peace (2016) Stavro |
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Царі і пророки (2016) Of Kings and Prophets Jesse |
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Кейптаун (2015) Cape Town Mike de Villiers |
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Saints and Strangers (2015) Saints & Strangers Captain Jones |
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Super-Dad (2015) Karl Matthau |
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Вікінги (2014) Northmen - A Viking Saga King Dunchaid |
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Домініон (2014) Dominion Senator Thomas Frost |
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Порятунок (2014) The Salvation Calder Jenkins |
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Чорні вітрила (2014) Black Sails Alfred Hamilton |
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Кайт (2013) Kite Clive Thornhill |
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Дурбанська отрута (2013) Durban Poison Klippie |
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Теорія змови. Зулу (2013) Zulu Kruger |
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Теорія змови. Зулу (2013) Zulu Kruger |
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Feynman and the Challenger (2013) The Challenger Head Of Recovery |
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Політ лелек (2012) Flight of the Storks Max Bohm |
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Лабіринт (2012) Labyrinth Bertrand Pelletier |
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Кличте повитуху (2012) Call the Midwife Mr. Starke |
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Містер Боб (2011) Mister BOB Walter Van Dick |
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The Sinking of the Laconia (2010) Captain Hathaway |
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Смертельні перегони: Франкенштейн живий (2010) Death Race 2 Dr. Klein |
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The Lost Future (2010) Yisir |
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Майстер Гарольд ... і хлопці (2010) «Master Harold» ... And the Boys Mr. Prentice |
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Непідкорений (2009) Invictus Rugby President |
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Коханка Диявола: Понесені пристрастю (2008) The Devil's Whore Croyland Captain |
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Шкіра (2008) Skin Van Tonder |
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Der Bibelcode (2008) |
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Крузо (2008) Crusoe Captain Taylor |
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Зоряний десант 3: Мародер (2008) Starship Troopers 3: Marauder Dr. Wiggs |
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Бувай, Бафана (2007) Goodbye Bafana Coloner Stander |
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Бути першим (2007) To Be First Herbert Cohen |
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Opération Rainbow Warrior (2006) Galbraith |
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Ein Familienschreck kommt selten allein (2006) Herr Gruber |
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Неприручені (2006) Wild at Heart Piet Stillman |
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Пригоди Посейдона (2005) The Poseidon Adventure Kruger |
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12 днів страху (2005) 12 Days of Terror Train Engineer |
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Чарлі Джейд (2005) Charlie Jade Julius Galt |
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Слід смерті (2004) Wake of Death Mac Hoggins |
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Копальні царя Соломона (2004) King Solomon's Mines Drunk ...У титрах Daniel Keogh |
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Dissonances (2003) Bill |
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Наслідки (2003) Consequence Pope |
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Вердикт народу (2003) Citizen Verdict Lt. Joe Cook |
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Собака (2002) Inja Johannes |
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Траур (2002) Pavement Detective Moore |
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Грань одержимості (2002) Borderline Harry Walker |
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Віртуоз (2002) The Piano Player James - Lawyer |
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Свіжа кров (2002) Slash Jethro |
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Pure Blood (2002) Eugene |
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The Swap (2002) Philip Clayton |
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Malunde (2001) Andy |
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Акули 2 (2000) Shark Attack 2 Michael Francisco |
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Ед Гейн: Монстр з Вісконсіна (2000) In the Light of the Moon Hunter |
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Падаючі скелі (2000) Falling Rocks Gold Digger |
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Die Wüstenrose (2000) |
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Пірати у часі (1999) Pirates of the Plain Murzol |
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Від заходу до світання 3: Дочка ката (1999) From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter Bartender |
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Поліцейська розвідка 5: Нові професіонали (1998) CI5: The New Professionals Jaeger |
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Операція загону Дельта 3 (1998) Operation Delta Force 3: Clear Target Salvatore |
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Операція загону Дельта 2: Мейдей (1997) Operation Delta Force 2: Mayday Tuck |
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Jump the Gun (1997) J.J. |
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Легенда про загублене місто (1997) The Legend of the Hidden City |
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Пригоди Синдбада (1996) The Adventures of Sinbad Olekun |
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Роудз (1996) Rhodes Frank Dawson |
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Тарзан: Історія пригод (1996) Tarzan: The Epic Adventures |
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Команда вбивць (1995) Hearts and Minds Andries Fourie |
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Чавилка (1994) The Mangler Herb Diment |
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Kalahari Harry (1994) Oscar Kowalski |
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Проект «Мисливець за тінню» 2 (1994) Project Shadowchaser II John O'Hara |
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Секретна місія (1994) Mission Top Secret Jan Petersen |
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Marie s'en va t-en guerre (1994) Major |
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MMG Engineers (1994) Frank Sheridan (1994) |
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Daisy de Melker (1993) Alfred Cowle |
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До смертельного результату (1992) To the Death Hank |
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Тропічна спека (1991) Sweating Bullets Manny Robbins |
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Тропічна спека (1991) Sweating Bullets Manny Robbins |
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A.W.O.L. (1991) J.H. van der Merwe |
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Плівки Рутанги (1990) The Rutanga Tapes Dr. Blunt |
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Africa Express (1990) |
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Ніжне вбивство (1990) Sweet Murder Laurie's Stepfather |
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Дика зона (1989) Wild Zone Emilio Cortez |
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Kill Slade (1989) Flannigan |
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Опції (1989) Options Phillipe |
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Forced Alliance (1989) ...У титрах Danny Keough |
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The Sandgrass People (1989) Lieutenant Cox |
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Donkerhoek (1985) |
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Galery (1985) Brian Ogilvy |
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Good Climate, Friendly Inhabitants (1982) Rick |
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April 1980 (1980) Maj. Harrison |
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Bye Bye Booysens (1980) Derek Jameson |
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The Fifth Season (1978) Lukas Mellet |
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Someone Like You (1978) Willem Labuschagne |
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Золоте рандеву (1977) Golden Rendezvous Attacker |
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